OK so I know it's the time of year when everyone makes the usual crap resolutions ... to give up smoking, lose weight, stop eating chocolate etc. I have made all those resolutions over the years and stuck to none of them and so tend not to bother with them.
Now I'd love to say that I will make a resolution to scrap more ... 'cos I'd really love to, but I know that I am pretty unlikely to stick to that one. I'd love to say that I'm going to be more chilled about things and not get het up over stupid things, but there's no way that's going to happen either. I did suggest earlier that I try to be more tactful, but it was generally agreed by my friends that not only would I not be able to stick to it, but I would lose an essential part of myself, so that's a no too.
Earlier my mate Shazzer made a comment and a resolution that I am going to knick (I've never worried about plagarism) I have some great friends with whom I've shared good times and bad, laughter and tears and so my New Year's resolution is to keep talking to my friends and sharing all those times.
Thnak you to all my friends for everything - I love you all!