Thursday, December 27, 2007
So On To Christmas
Having not been anywhere near ready for it, suddenly the big day was upon us and then it was finished almost before I had a chance to enjoy it. I had a somewhat different Christmas day than expected as Mrs H3 was taken ill on Christmas Eve (get well soon hun) and was therefore unable to come and stay (sending love to Tammie too who was also poorly in hospital over Christmas having had a burst appendix on Christmas Eve). Instead I spent the afternoon and evening at the pub. I didn’t get round to opening my presents until almost 11pm, but received lots of lovely chocolate related things from Andrew, Aiden and Lesley and lots of nice little bits from Lynne.
Yesterday I went to visit Leanne (and her boyfriend Stephen), Jane and Julie at Barbara’s where I got some CDs (I Am Kloot, David Mead and Passenger) and more chocolate (how on earth I’m going to eat it all before the beginning of January so I can restart my diet gawd knows!). We attempted to play the Lord of the Rings Interactive game, but even though all of us are huge fans of the books and the films it was almost impossible. So giving up we instead played our usual round of Uno.
So Christmas is over and all that’s left is the chocolate. I really ought to make the effort to go to see Enchanted sometime before I go back to work and Andrew and I are supposed to be going to see I am Legend at some point too.
So now we’re waiting for New Year, although I don’t expect that to be any more interesting than Christmas was, and then of course depressingly it’ll be time to go back to work.
Playing Catch Up As Usual
I have to admit that it got off to a slightly inauspicious start when we got lost trying to find Brick Lane (somewhere we’ve never been any good at finding) and then when we finally got to 93 Feet East realised that the place was completely empty (tickets said the concert started at 7.30pm, doors open at 5pm – we got there at 7pm). Undeterred I remained convinced that things would get going shortly (Mrs H3 less so obviously) and so we went to get a curry from a lovely place called Cinnamon.
We arrived back just before 8pm to find that I Am Kloot were actually due to go onstage at 9pm and there were now at least 10 other people there (yep, I know not the greatest number ever but I remained optimistic). After I bought a limited edition copy of their new album the completely wonderful ‘I Am Kloot Play Moolah Rouge’ we got ourselves a drink and found a seat at the edge of the room and people watched as the room began to fill.
9pm came and went and still there was no sign of the band, but there was quite a mixed crowd growing. When they finally made it to the stage just after 9.30pm there was actually a rather good crowd.
Once again Mrs H3 managed to attract a rather interesting and incredibly rude new friend who kept her entertained for the whole concert (poor girl) whilst I concentrated on the music and John Bramwell.
The set was a stellar one covering all their albums and was a good mixture of their new songs and older favourites from all three previous albums. John’s voice held up well, it was a real relief to see him recovered from the severe throat infection that made them have to cancel previous dates and their European tour. Lovely acoustic numbers like From Your Favourite Sky and the fabulous Ferris Wheels sat happily alongside punchier tracks such as One Man Brawl. Eventually I just had to and stand at the front and get closer to this brilliant band, leaving Mrs H3 with her new friend. It was a real pleasure to hear songs like the emotionally brilliant Dark Star and they finished their set with the always awesome To You.
I had a fantastic evening and I think that Mrs H3 enjoyed the show too, although obviously it would have been improved without the annoying company. I just hope they tour again soon.
Monday, December 17, 2007
What? Not Another Post!
Two more days at work and I’ve written no cards (sorry everyone – Merry Christmas by the way!) and sorted very few presents, not even sent the Sinners CD yet (sorry girls – I will do it a.s.a.p. promise). I can’t even think of anything that I want for Christmas myself apart from a Nintendo DS with Brain Training (but I think that’s only ‘cos I’ve seen so many ruddy adverts for it) or a copy of ‘Beadle the Bard’, but of course I don’t know anyone with a couple of million quid to spare to buy that for me. But then I’m not feeling at all Christmassy even after putting up the tree, decorating my workspace, opening my chocolate advent calendar and finding dodgy Christmas e-mail backgrounds, which seems a bit weird when this time next week it will be Christmas Eve and almost all over. Perhaps it would help if I knew when I was working over Christmas to help me plan what to do during my free time (seeing Enchanted is on my list at some point), although I’m not sure it’ll make any difference – I just have to face the fact my interest in Christmas has been completely overshadowed by my need to see Sweeney Todd.
My poor beloved Kiefer will be spending both his birthday on Friday and Christmas in jail (whilst I agree he deserves his sentence, I’m not sure why he has to do the full stretch just because he’s a bloke and silly tarts like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan get off with doing hours – they should all have done full sentences), although according to the media hundreds of people have written to him so at least he’ll have something to do while he’s there, but the poor darling hasn’t yet had any visitors. Apparently he’s being a model prisoner, folding laundry and working in the kitchens so well done to him. I expect the rest will do him the world of good, but I think he should come and stay with me when he gets out so I can keep him out of trouble!
Tomorrow is the eagerly awaited (by me anyway) I Am Kloot concert at 93 Feet East (just over 24 hours and counting). I really can’t wait to see them and am very excited at the prospect, which was helped by our visit to the Tap ‘n’ Tin on Saturday. It was great to see a concert in a small venue again, something I haven’t done for such a long time and it’s really got me stoked up. I’ve fallen completely in love with John Bramwell and his magnificent lyrics (is he the best (love) song writer ever?) and am hoping that Mrs H3 will enjoy them more once she’s seen them live. She really is completely brilliant for pitching up to something that she really doesn’t want to see (but I do desperately) and then enjoying herself. I am eternally grateful to her (thank you so much Lisa - you really are a hunny) and absolutely dreading when someone like Black Lace (are they still going?) decide to tour because I know I’ll have to repay the favour, and I’m not sure I can do it as gracefully as she does.
Already we’ve planned a pantomime for the New Year. Every year we say we’re going to go then we don’t get round to it but this time we’ve finally booked one. So we’re seeing Peter Pan (one of my favourites) at Bromley, starring none other than good ole’ Starsky (of Starsky & Hutch fame) himself Paul Michael Glaser. I’m expecting great things from him ‘cos I’m sure he can camp it up with the best of them, although he’ll have to work hard to beat Jason Isaacs (Peter Pan) or Alan Rickman (An Awfully Big Adventure). Whatever, I’m expecting an evening of fun and I know that we’ll have a good time however bad or good it is!
Sorry it's more Sweeney Todd ...
and a new trailer – argggghhhhhhhh! I want to see this film NOW!!!!!
And what can say about this clip but woohoo - gotta love Alan Rickman (well I do, but then we all know that don't we?)
Carry On .. Up the Tap 'n' Tin!
I thought Pete was fantastic value for money and in my opinion he played a blinding set, gave great entertainment value during Chas & Dave’s set (watching him trying to stay upright was almost worth the cover price on its own) and then to cap it all joined the guys for the last song.
When we arrived Pete had just gone onstage – perfect timing as it meant that we didn’t have to hang around for too long with the Pete look-alikes that crowded the room, although Mrs H3 got some very interesting attention from a couple of Chas & Dave fans *LOL*. There was a lot of waving of Union Jacks as he sang his way through classic Libertines and Babyshambles tracks. Damn that boy is beautiful, and such a gorgeous voice (and I think even Mrs H3 would agree with me). Amazingly he looked completely clean, even vaguely healthy looking and was very focussed and definitely on form. Check out these videos of him in action.
However, in the brief interval which can have been no more than about 10 minutes between him leaving the stage and Chas & Dave coming on he’d obviously taken something. He spent the whole set leaning against the wall trying to stay upright, beer bottle in hand, his eyes rolling and his skin having taken on that waxy pallor that you see in all the tabloid photos. To give him his due he was obviously very much enjoying the show, quite clearly singing along to every track, although he turned down the chance to sing with the band early into the set as I think he wouldn’t have made it to the stage. However, he’d recovered enough for the final number and they finished the evening with Pete singing a barnstorming version of “Ain’t No Pleasing You”.
I was also impressed that although he was completely out of it he took the time to talk to any fans who wanted to chat to him and spent most of the night signing autographs even though this was distracting him from watching Chas & Dave who performed a spirited and popular set.
All in all the evening was amazing and I’m very glad I attended, especially knowing how many jealous friends I now have!
Yep, we were there and we’ve even got the button badges to prove it!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Here We Go ...
Mrs H3 saw my post about the Chas & Dave concert and like me considered that it could be a completely awesome evening - so we've got tickets. It turns out that Chas & Dave were apparently a HUGE influence on the young Pete Doherty and he and the Libertines were forever covering their songs during their early days. Whatever happens the evening is going to be a huge laugh. Will of course report back later!
It's Only Me
Unfortunately I haven't got round to making any more Christmas cards, nor have I actually written any yet. I have sorted out the Sinners Christmas CD but need to find time to get them in the post in time for Christmas, bear with me girls it will be on the way soon (I hope).
Entertainment Weekly’s review of Sweeney Todd has been released and its reviewer, like it appears most other reviewers loves the film. Obviously I was particularly taken with this part of the review:“It's nice, though, how Bonham Carter's corpse-bride complexion complements Depp's; how Rickman's sadistic Judge Turpin oozes real erotic heat, not just twisted sexual tastes; and how honorably a big studio has, er, stuck its neck out to do right by one of the great American artistic creations of our time.”
Yep, that’s me getting all excited again – especially with Alan Rickman oozing erotic heat (although when doesn’t he?)
I’m still gutted that I’ve got to wait another whole month for it, unless someone nice wants to give me the money to fly to the US to see it (please!) I’m even wishing Christmas away so I can see this film and that NEVER happens! I'm still desperate to see it even though its release coincides with me getting another year older!
I’m also now on countdown to seeing I am Kloot. Only another 4 days till I get to see this fantastic band live. The more I listen to them the more I think they are geniuses. I know Mrs H3 finds their work depressing, but of course that’s my favourite sort of music (depressing love songs a speciality) and I find them strangely uplifting (always a contrary bird I know). I’ve managed to listen to some of their new album too and am really looking forward to buying it at the concert and adding it to my I-Pod for non-stop play over Christmas (well actually slotted in between The Hoff's 'The Night Before Christmas', Alan Titchmarsh's 'Fill My Stocking', this years sinners choice (to be revealed later once the CD has been sent) and Chas & Dave's 'Christmas Knees Up' which Mrs H3 has very kindly procured for me).
Talking of concerts and Chas & Dave, the cockney duo (and their drummer) are playing at the Tap ‘n’ Tin in Chatham tomorrow night (although according to the website they’re not due on stage till 1am!) Now I knew about this quite some time ago as Steve and Terry are going, but at £25 a ticket I felt it a little extravagant, just before Christmas (the I am Kloot tickets were £13.50 in case you were wondering) especially considering my love/hate relationship with the duo. However, yesterday I discovered who their special guest was and now I’m sort of gutted not to be going – imagine, it’s none other than Pete Docherty. Yes, him of the huge amount of drug taking, but also of those fabulousty bands The Libertines and Babyshambles. A bit of a strange guest for them I thought, especially to be playing a venue like the Tap ‘n’ Tin (and of course there’s the ever present possibility that he won't show up), but I understand from one of the commuters on the coach this morning (obviously a bit of a Pete fan himself) that he has played there before back when he started, so he’s revisiting his roots and the fan sites seem convinced he’ll be there. Could be a seminal moment or a complete blow out – is it worth £25 to find out?
Friday, December 07, 2007
'The Golden Compass' was everything I was hoping it would be. It stuck more closely to the book than films like Harry Potter etc., there were no major changes only a few omissions really which was great and all the characters were excellent as was the CGI. I have to admit to being surprised by the ending, but that was only because the story stuck so close to the book all the way through so I'd expected the same ending. I loved the film and really hope that they make the second (and eventually third) parts. Definitely one to add to my collection when it comes out on dvd, and Lynne and I both agreed we'd be more than happy to go and see the film again.
The rest of the day was taken up with shopping and eating. We walked round Bluewater about 4 or 5 times stopping for the odd cup of tea, ice cream, cake and sandwiches and finally ended up in De:Alto for dinner.
A great day but now I'm shattered!
I see that Alan Rickman has been placed at number 83 in Empire magazine's 100 sexiest movie stars list. Nice to see him in there. They say "All the girls love a bad boy and no one does bad better than Alan Rickman. It’s the voice that does it, that and a commanding screen presence. Such is his ability to give good evil that he even makes the oily Professor Severus Snape somehow attractive". How very true! No sign of Kiefer alas, but I guess he's more a TV star these days. Interestingly top male was Daniel Craig at No. 3, while the top two places were taken by Natalie Portman (2) and Angelina Jolie (1).
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Christmas Is Definitely Coming!
Now is the time for the buying of presents and fortunately for me this year Jo's got her act together and got it all sorted. Thanks Jo! I do still have some shopping to do, but nowhere near as much as usual and I think Royal Mail will be rather pleased about that - they can probably lay off a couple of people with this year's purchases compared to the amount I usually have delivered at this time of year *LOL*
Tomorrow Lynne and I are going to Bluewater for our annual Christmas shopping/cinema/meal day. I was hoping Mrs H3 would be coming along too, but it looks like she might have to work, poor thing. So this year's film is 'The Golden Compass' which I've been waiting to see for ages (next year's will be 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' - nothing like planning ahead eh?) Hopefully should be an excellent although tiring day as usual.
However Mrs H3 and I do have tickets to see I am Kloot on 18th December at 93 Feet East and I'm really excited. The more I hear them, the more I love their work - just my sort of thing, depression and love songs - perfect! Check out this fab video for one of their singles which stars the lovely Christopher Ecclestone. How this lot aren't massive I've no idea - their song writing is sublime.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Oh Go On Then ....
Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes 1
Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes 2
Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes 3
Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes 4 - I just love Tim Burton singing along on this one!
Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes 5
Did I mention I'm Desperate to see Sweeney Todd?
Sweeney todd clip 1
Sweeney todd clip 2
Sweeney todd clip 3
Sweeney todd clip 4
Sweeney todd clip 5
Sweeney todd clip 6
Sweeney Todd Clip 7
Sweeney Todd Clip 8
Sweeney Todd Clip 9
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
And More Sweeney Todd too!
If I hadn’t been desperate to see it before I certainly am now. Lucky America gets the film on Christmas Day but we have to wait a whole month longer. At least I’ve got something mega to look forward to on my birthday for a change.
Here's a behind the scenes featurette, I'll be posting the other new clips as they become available - the 'gandered at my ward' scene with Alan is particularly delicious and one I want to add to my collection.
The same report also said that Nobel Son and Bottle Shock were due for release in January too. I am assuming this is in America as I’ve still heard no news on a UK release date for either, but hopefully that means they could be scheduled for a spring release over here. Fingers crossed.
More Music
Mrs H3 and I have a long history of trying to outdo each other on finding the worst album of all time (usually cover version related as I love cover versions). A couple of weeks ago she gave me a few contenders that I have to admit almost beat anything I've ever come up with (although I still contend that I found the worst album ever ... but more of that in a few weeks - yep it is Christmas related).
One of the albums is 'More, More and More' by Girls Aloud, a band that I've generally managed to ignore until this point. Although their own songs were okay in a generally bland sort of way, being the sort of pop I'm not awfully keen on, their cover versions are absolutely cracking. I was particularly impressed by a live version of 'Teenage Dirtbag' and their musicals medley.
Of course it may be that they actually sound really dire but I had just listened to a double album of various artists doing 'Crazy Covers' and anything bad by Girls Aloud paled into insignificance next to this.
I have to admit that there were a few excellent tracks on that too, such as the Sugababes doing 'I bet you look good on the Dancefloor' and Ian Brown doing 'Thriller' and a strange cover version of 'Young Folks' which I thought really rocked, but generally this album was ODD!
Turkish versions of 'Rock the Casbah' and other songs sung in German or Dutch and some of the strangest cover versions ever heard. I did rather like the Dynamo's Rhythm Aces swing version of The Smith's 'Panic' during which members of the band have a conversation about why they are panicking, musing that if there was a nuclear explosion and everyone got wiped out there'd be no-one left to play George Michael records. Very funny when you hear it and suits my sense of humour perfectly!
Finally there was Paul Anka with his 'Classic songs: My Way' which I have to admit I couldn't face listening to after 4 cds worth of the other stuff. When I listened to it a few days later I found it generally pleasant in much the same way as 'Rock Swings' was. I understand that both the Girls Aloud and Paul Anka were chosen primarily for the Duran Duran cover versions 'Girls on Film' and 'Ordinary World' respectively, and actually both tracks aren't bad.
Talking of Duran Duran (and no not under worst album category ... although it almost could have been) their new album ‘Red Carpet Massacre’ is surprisingly excellent. I was less than enthusiastic when I heard the first single 'Falling Down' with Justin Timberlake and a few more listenings didn't really improve my opinion. The idea of Timbaland mixing it up didn't appeal either and I was truly expecting to hate the album with a vengeance, with the exception of ‘Box Full o’ Honey’ which I adored from the moment I heard it. However, by the time I’d listened to the whole album I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I’d feared and after the third listen in a row, I found myself happily singing along to ‘Falling Down’ as if it were a favourite song. Many people have said that ‘Red Carpet Massacre’ is like their first self-titled album but I would liken it more to 1993’s second self-titled album more commonly known as the ‘Wedding Album’. Justin Timberlake has said that his favourite song of all time is ‘Ordinary World’ and many of the songs on this album have that flavour about them. I’m still not happy about the way Duran Duran treat their fans but have to admit that they can still churn out a good song – and yes, I’ll go to see them when they tour a place where tickets aren’t £100 each!
As a last thought on cover versions a couple of mornings ago I heard Leona Lewis doing Snow Patrol’s ‘Run’. It was astonishingly beautiful! I was stunned to find that she actually can sing which is something that her current awful single sadly doesn't show too well.
The Long Awaited MCR Review!
Actually I’m a bit late posting this but what the hell - it's my blog and being rebellious that means I can do what I want with it when I want (yes, that includes not yet completeing the New Orleans blog, sorry)
On 15th November Mrs H3 and I went to see My Chemical Romance at the O2 Dome in London. It was, as I expected a fantastic evening and the guys were on excellent form. As they’ve now been touring for over a year the set has obviously changed a bit since I last saw them so instead of playing Black Parade first and ending with older tracks this time they interspersed the two. And they certainly packed them in. Opening with Stay they powered through the usual suspects – This Is How I Disappear, Dead!, The Sharpest Lives, I’m Not Okay, I Don’t Love You, House of Wolves, Mama , Cemetery Drive, You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison, Helena, Sleep, Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade, Cancer, plus more rarely heard songs like Headfirst for Halos and Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough For The Two Of Us, finally ending the encore quite appropriately with Famous Last Words. Highlight for many was their rendition of Desert Song, something that they’ve apparently only ever played live once before. For me it was good to hear the older tracks being played live, but I wasn’t sure whether it was a good introduction for Mrs H3.
She had gamely gone along having only played half of the Black Parade and never having heard any other track by them. She tells me she enjoyed the concert, although was a little disappointed that they weren’t as loud as Chas and Dave were when they played the Broadway Theatre, Catford. I feel it is my duty to now write and complain to MCR for their lack of noise. *LOL*
MCR have had a run of bad luck since before the Black Parade came out and it continued when Bob (the drummer) announced that he was dropping out of the tour on the Sunday night before the O2 concert due to a bad wrist, although apparently he was going to be staying on to help with the pyrotechnics. And then on Tuesday Frank (the guitarist) had to pull out due to a family illness. This meant that Mikey (bassist) finally returned to the fold after his post nuptial break so that Matt could take over Frank’s role. The band are now off in Australia, but I’m hoping they’ll find some time to get back in the studio to record a new album soon, although of course I’d be happy to see them touring back over here again too.
Annoyingly I was offered a free ticket to the Foo Fighters concert at O2 on the Sunday night, but alas I wasn't able to make it. Friends who went said it was ace - definitely a band I still need to catch live sometime. While I'm talking of live bands I found out that I am Kloot are playing tonight and tomorrow in London, unfortunately too late for me to get a ticket. However, they're back on 18th December so I'm considering going to see them. What do you think Mrs H3? Also was very excited to see that Gary Numan is touring with the classic 'Replicas' album in March - definitely got that one in my diary!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Music Time
When I’m not watching films I’m listening to loads of new music at the moment as the TV really has deteriorated. And of course, me being me, I just had to share with you. Now obviously I have a real thing for quirky, interesting, innovative and possibly downright eccentric music and so all the following have caught my attention for one or more of these reasons. Now as I only listen to about 15 minutes of music on the radio every day (when the alarm goes off) I don’t actually get to hear much new stuff except through a fluke as Radio 1 isn’t awfully experimental at 5am. So if you already know all about these fantastic artists and tracks I apologise, although not much because I’m happy to showcase their work on my blog regardless of how long they’ve been out. But if not, I really urge you to check them out.
First up is the truly awesome debut album ‘Wicked Man’s Rest’ by Passenger. This album has been on the random playlist at the pub for the last couple of weeks (I believe it was released at the end of September) and every time a track comes on I’ve rushed over to find out what it was. Eventually I just had to own the album. I know that 3 singles have been released from it, but have no idea if any of them made the charts. What I do know is that it is a perfectly crafted slice of skewed pop heaven (listen to the last single ‘Walk You Home’ and you’ll see what I mean). Mike Rosenberg has an interesting and unusual voice and the songs are somewhat darker and stranger than most of the fare emerging these days and is a real breath of fresh air. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!!
(Walk You Home by Passenger - Official Video)
While I’m recommending albums I’d just like to mention a few others that are top of my current playlist - Newton Faulkner’s ‘Hand Built By Robots’, Blue October’s ‘Foiled Again’ which is a double album containing their last brilliant studio album ‘Foiled’ and ‘Teach Your Baby Well Live’ a 14 track live album, Mark Ronson’s ‘Version’, Rufus Wainwright’s ‘Release the Stars’, Richard Hawley’s ‘Lady’s Bridge’, Bjorn & John Peter’s ‘Falling Out’, Stephen Fretwell’s ‘Man on the Roof’, Feist’s ‘The Reminder’, H.I.M.’s ‘Venus Doom’, Dave Gahan’s ‘Hourglass’ and Babyshambles’ ‘Shotter’s Nation’.
Now I just love songs from films. I adore the Take That track from Stardust – ‘Rule the World’ and downloaded it as soon as it was available. But my recent Alan Rickman appreciation has unearthed some older mega gems (although not, as I’m sure you’ll be pleased to hear, ‘Everything I do (I do it for you)’ by Bryan Adams, although I actually don’t mind the track) that have shot straight into my all time favourite tracks league. Apart from being a funny film ‘The Search for John Gissing’ introduced me to a truly wonderful artist by the name of David Mead. His track from the film ‘World of a King’ is a really catchy little number and after falling completely in love with it led me to checking out his other work. I currently have his last album ‘Tangerine’ on repeat play. Eventually, I will need to have his entire back catalogue and will definitely be looking out for him going on tour.
(World of a King by David Mead - Live version)
From the fantastic 'Snow Cake' (and the more I watch that film the more I love it) there are two tracks, the achingly beautiful love song ‘ Same Deep Water’ by I Am Kloot and the haunting ‘Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl’ by Broken Social Scene (of which Leslie Feist is a member).
(Same Deep Water by I Am Kloot - Live version)
(Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl by Broken Social Scene - Official Video)
And finally it's only 9 days till Mrs H3 and I go to see My Chemical Romance at O2. I'm really looking forward to it.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Blimey I've been blogging like crazy!

Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween!
I meant to post yesterday and wish my sister Jo a really Happy Birthday, but I just didn't get round to it. Anyway, hopefully she had a good day even without my virtual best wishes.
I have changed the trailer of ‘The Golden Compass’ to a You Tube one rather than the one from the official site as the way it mucked up my formatting really annoyed me and the quick time thing was driving me mad. Now you can choose to watch the trailer rather than being forced to have it on. It’s a slightly different one and the film looks even better in my opinion. Take a look and see what you think.
You’ll remember Lynnie Lou and I went to see “Dark is Rising” last week. I am pleased to report that as a film it is very good – the special effects are excellent and it is an interesting and thrilling story with generally good acting. However, as an adaptation of the book it is truly diabolical. Apart from the title, the names of some of the characters and about 4 lines of dialogue almost the whole film bears no actual resemblance to the book in any way. As a long time addict of the book I spent quite a large part of the movie confused as plot after plot was discarded in favour of a different story. Eventually I gave in and decided to ignore the fact it was supposed to be based on the book and just enjoy it as a film and it worked. For anyone who thinks that the Harry Potter films have hacked the story (and that includes me) they are nothing compared to the butchery that has taken place with “Dark is Rising”. I would definitely recommend the film for entertainment value, but would even more recommend reading the books and getting the full and proper story. To be honest I find it hard to believe that they will be adapting any of the other books in the series, all are far too interwoven with Arthurian and other British legends and the studio appears to not want this type of film. I suppose they could just rewrite the scripts so that they bear no resemblance to the original stories, but the first film seems to have been designed as a stand alone, so perhaps they’re just not going to bother with the others. Perhaps one day someone will make them properly.
OK well Halloween’s been and gone now so I’m late posting as usual. Tomorrow I’ll add some pictures from Saturday night after the pub’s Halloween Party when we all descended on Den and Lynne.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Midweek Mumblings
I'm trying to decide what to wear for the fancy dress party at the pub on Saturday. So many choices and I can't decide. If anyone wants to suggest something please feel free - the blog doesn't bite you know ;)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
News (again)
Firstly, I want to congratulate my friend Claire and her hubby Adam who are expecting a baby. Well done guys!
Secondly, the next installment of the holiday (the wedding day) is almost ready to be posted. I have sorted through 4 cds worth of fantastic photos to find the perfect ones. Of course there are far too many still so once I have chosen the ones for my blog entry I will be posting the others on here as I think they should be seen.
News and Views
While at the cinema we saw the trailer for 'The Golden Compass' better known in the UK as 'Northern Lights' the first book in Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' trilogy, unlike 'The Dark is Rising' this film looks like it's stuck to the story and I have to admit to being VERY excited to see it. The characters seem to be perfect, certainly Sam Eliott fits my vision of Lee Scoresby as does Dakota Blue Richards as Lyra and Eva Green as Serefina Pekkala. If you haven't read the books you really ought to do so as they are first class.
Just so you can be as excited as me here's the trailer:
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Just a few quick words ...
Where's my questions for the tag thing? C'mon someone out there must have one (or more) burning questions to ask me. Don't be shy to post - it won't kill you. Although don't ask me about Saturday night 'cos I don't remember and I don't really want to talk about it either!
My other blogs will be updated shortly. The diet blog is currently silent due to a complete inability to get through a day without carbs at the moment. Mainly because of crappy excuses on my part, but I am really having trouble getting back into gear and cravings for marmite on toast really haven't helped. I meant to get the Italian blog finished by now (sorry Jo who is waiting for an update). Lack of time, due to other writing commitments (plot bunnies and muses whirling around in my brain like dervishes recently) have slowed things down but I promise to get back to it soon - hopefully posting by the weekend. As soon as 'A Room with a View' is done I will finally take the time to finish my New Orleans odyssey (thank God I kept notes for that one!)
It seems that Amazon have cancelled my DVD order for 'Dark Harbor' for some reason so it'll be a while longer before I get to see that as I need to reorder it and then wait for it to arrive from the US. However, tonight we're off to see Stardust on preview so I'm pretty excited about that.
Finally, I just wanted to send sympathy to my friend Diane whose husband Alan recently passed away. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen her for a while since he became ill and only found out about it this morning. My thoughts go to her and her family.
The Cutthroat World of Scrapbooking!
I understand that one of the trains of thought on there is a major criticism of the UKS cyber crops (I have yet to reach this). My view is that they are a fun weekend which gives you a chance to try out things you may never have otherwise thought of. My only criticism of them is that they are no longer competitive. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was in the Jiggly Jellies for the current 5th birthday celebration cyber crop, but haven’t mentioned it since. Sadly, I only tend to find time to scrap during a cyber crop and found that the complete uncompetitiveness of it put me off even taking part this time, in fact I haven’t even downloaded the classes yet. I personally preferred the out and out competition of crops like the ‘Saints & Sinners’ and ‘Star Wars’ where there were only 2 teams and it was all out war. I have never uploaded what I consider to be a substandard LO just for the points as apparently some people have. I just find the competition to be stimulating rather than oppressive. Bring back the fighting I say!
I no longer read Scrapbook magazines as I got fed up of seeing the same old faces week in week out (although now of course I get to miss the occasional entries of my friends) and the same old techniques touted everywhere. Whilst I would agree with the comment that the same people are used far too often, I personally can’t be bothered to submit to a magazine or enter competitions (I have a hard enough time trying to actually scrap in the first place) and so can’t really complain when the people who do bother end up all over the place. Also these ‘elite’ few are surely only elite if you think of them as such. Personally if I consider them at all, which I rarely do, they are just scrappers I have either spoken to or not spoken to. They are no better than me and their work is no better either, just different. My pages are the perfect style for me because they are made by me for me and I don't care whether others like them or not.
One interesting thing to come out of the blog is the link to another called Scrapbook Stuff That Sucks. I haven’t yet had a chance to look at it properly, but it occurs to me that this blog is a brilliant idea. I have hundreds of rub ons that I bought that are completely crap and don't rub on and I’m sure every other crafter must have similar stuff in their stash. What a great idea to be told about stuff that is rubbish before you go and waste your money on it.
I have not posted on the blog (no need to after all that critique) and do not intend to do so unless I feel I have a constructive point to make – but if I do post it won't be anonymously!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I've been tagged!
Unfortunately at the moment I'm having trouble thinking of 7 interesting, weird or even boring things to say about myself (actually that last bit is untrue, I can think of LOTS of boring things to say about myself). So I've decided to do this one differently. Leave me a comment (yep I'm trying to get you lurkers to actually post something for a change) asking me anywhere between 1 and 7 questions (however stupid) and I'll answer 'em.
Oh yes and I have to tag 7 people (some of these have already been tagged but haven't done the challenge yet so have been caught again - tbh I don't really know many people that blog, let alone regularly!)
Jen 2
You're it!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Film Time
Another film which I really enjoyed was the offbeat comedy 'The Search for John Gissing' which finally arrived from the US. It is entertaining, very funny and well worth watching just to see Alan Rickman dancing like a complete nutter at the end. There is more dancing in the outtakes as well. Unfortunately, not readily accessible as it is only available direct from the director and star Mike Binder, the price of postage is likely to put off most people from seeing it (unless you can borrow it from someone). However, rumour has it that due to its underground popularity Mike wants to remake a revised version of the movie under a new title for general release and is hoping that Alan will once again take on the role of John Gissing. We shall see, it would be good to see it finding a general release - if only Nobel Son would get one I'd be even happier!
No sign of 'Dark Harbor' yet, but I did get 'Judas Kiss' which is a crime thriller set in New Orleans with Alan and Emma Thompson taking the starring roles. Quite enjoyable in a low budget sort of way, with the chance to see Alan and Emma doing very dodgy southern American accents, and of course a chance for me to soak up the New Orleans scenery.
Finally this week I saw Rasputin the HBO bio pic. Alan gives yet another first class performance as the enigmatic and strange monk, creating a tortured and brilliant character, at turns mesmerising and enthralling at others disgusting and creepy. Definitely another one to recommend.
I'm still waiting for Stardust - everything I've seen about it tells me I'll love it, but before that arrives at the cinema in a couple of weeks we're going to see Colin Firth and Jim Broadbent in 'When was the Last Time you saw your Father?' which I've also heard good things about. Below is the trailer for Stardust and also for Sweeney Todd - no need for me to repeat how excited I am about that I'm sure!
Alexandra Palace Review
Saturday started with an early start and a train ride to Charing Cross. I soon met Shazzer and we made our way (complete with big heavy bags) to Ally Pally, stopping en route for a much needed cuppa and bacon roll (nope my diet was definitely NOT in effect this weekend). Pausing only to drop off our bags at the cloakroom we headed into the main hall for some shopping or browsing in my case as I was definitely not shopping. We stopped for a quick drink in the attached pub (the smallest white wine & soda in the world, ½ pt of lager and 2 bottles of water cost £8!) and then it was soon time for us to head off to our first workshops. Shazzer had picked the sakura pens class, Twinkle Twinkle during which they decorated a card. I did the Vintage Elegance class which was a collage stamping class during which I also made the rather nice card above, although disappointingly there was nothing given away, which I thought was a little harsh considering the price of the workshops. The shop running the workshop did sell very nice stamps and they were a decent price, but there wasn’t even a discount for having taken part in the class. Back to the main hall for some more browsing, trying to find inspiration (and a fireworks stamp) for Shazzer’s November ATC swap. Several ideas later and the ATCs had changed (as they are wont to do). I then broke my no buying rule when I spotted this magnificent stamp that ‘I just had to have’. Obviously I was immediately attracted by the fleur de lis background pattern, although the whole stamp is just gorgeous. However, I was feeling slightly virtuous because it was about the only thing I bought that day.
Next was the water colouring workshop with Gina from Sir Stampalot. This class was interesting but also disappointing. Yet again there was nothing given away apart from the actual card that was made. It was during this workshop that I realised that my attention span (assuming I am actually busy) is about 30 minutes. In this class it was about 5 minutes. This stemmed from two problems. Firstly, instead of having 1 set of paints etc. between 2 they made it 1 between 3. This meant that at some point there was always someone not doing anything as it was impossible for all 3 people to reach and use the paints at the same time. It also left the person in the middle worrying that the water was going to end up all over their work every time the tub moved backwards and forwards. On top of this the class was so large that not everyone could see the demonstration properly. Now water colouring has never been one of my strong suits and having to keep stopping and waiting for the other person to finish before I could have a go quickly began to affect my work. Boredom makes me slapdash and being slapdash means I make mistakes. Once I make mistakes I then get annoyed because of the mistakes and lose all interest in what I’m doing. So here’s my imperfect card with the water stains round the fairy lights that shouldn’t be there. However, I was really pleased with how well the lambs turned out! I should also mention here that to recreate that card would have cost a heck of a lot of money – there were 5 stamps involved which would have cost well over £25 alone. Then there was the cost of the Marvy La Plume’s (if I didn’t already have them). Although there was a slight discount given if you bought the stamps I didn’t feel that was much recompense for the price of the class.
Back to the shopping hall for one finally sweep, where we tracked down some rather snazzy glue and embossing pens before we finally made our way across Alexandra Park to Muswell Hill where we were spending the night. I have to admit I thought that Muswill Hill sounded like a dodgy area, a bit run down and possibly dangerous. It is of course actually the home of many famous people and far from being run down is a select area full of shops like space nk and all those bijou little boutiques. The hotel was serviceable, although extremely warm as the heating seemed to be on permanently and Shazzer and I soon found our room (which was of course right at the top!) After a cup of tea, a bottle of bubbly and much stroking of stash we made our way out to find food. Stopping en-route in Sainsbury’s where we bought more wine (which we didn’t drink in the end honestly) I bought a wig (don't ask) and Shazzer bought some olives, we eventually decided on Yien Chinese Restaurant (mainly cos it was the first place we hit and we were starving). It was a very nice place and we had a lovely set meal with lots of wine, although disappointingly we weren’t given our starters on a bridge (it was one of those places that has the themed plates) although we did get the carrot carved into the shape of a bird.
After a night spent with very little sleep due to the noise out on the road (we were on a major junction – and NO Shazzer I did not sing Oasis’ Wonderwall in my sleep, that was definitely your dream) we made our way back to Ally Pally for the second day of fun (not so much shopping as we had workshops all day). We headed straight for the glitter stall where I could have spent a fortune. Instead I spent a fiver and got a lot of lovely dark glitters – black, midnight blue, deep red as well as some more wintery colours which may be destined for Christmas cards if I ever get round to making them.
Soon it was off to our first workshop of the day ‘Festive Fun’ which was card making with a stencil. The stencil we had was for a gift box and we’d soon both made a very impressive looking Christmas cards with it. And better still, we got to keep the stencil (which would have cost £4.99). Unfortunately, due to a mix up between shop and organisers the class was only 30 minutes long instead of the hour it should have been, but we felt that it was the best class that we’d had so far. Of course some people are never satisfied and several people complained to the organisers that the class was too short but we decided to compliment them instead. After a quick visit to the shop to get another stencil – a tree shaped one this time (I was sold after seeing the lovely flower fairy birthday card they had made with it) we were back to the workshops.
The next workshop was My Fav Thing by Banana Frog and I personally found this class probably more disappointing than all the rest. We were given a cute little tag book to decorate and were given stamps, felt, shrink plastic and embossing powder to create a Christmas themed book. I wasn’t keen on the snowflake stamps, hated the felt and disliked the effect of the shrink plastic, so my attention wandered badly. I did colour the pages of the book and I did emboss one of the pages. The rest of the stuff I discarded. There were absolutely no freebies with this class, not even a technique sheet and neither were we offered a discount on future purchases. We made our way down to Mei Flower where I bought a few little bits and bobs for some cards. We’d been trying to get there all weekend as it sold lots of unusual little things.
Then we were onto Christmas Pearl Delight with Blonde Moments. I have to say I really enjoyed this class. The idea was to make Christmas tags using papers, embossing and painting with pigments. There was loads to do and it kept my attention for the full hour, actually the painting took me that long. Of course the scrummy new papers helped, and although they didn’t give away anything they did offer a 10% discount which Shazzer and I felt we had to take advantage of. I bought mini pads of the Blonde Moments including the new Christmas ones and some lovely purple pigment which I used in the class.
Finally it was time for the final class of the day and the exhibition, Hitting the Bottle. This was an alcohol inks class producing a collaged canvas. Not really my cup of tea to be honest, and the colours weren’t to my taste, but it was a fun thing to do and once again kept me busy for the whole hour. We were also given the stamp set that we’d used – probably the best freebie of the weekend. So then it was all over and we just had to make our way home. My personal view was that it was a good weekend, although at £10 each some of the workshops should have provided a bit more in the way of freebies. Not sure I would rush to the next one, but if I go again I’ll definitely drive there. Lugging heavy bags around was a chore and the journey home for me was a complete nightmare, and there appeared to be plenty of parking.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Clown and Jiggler on Tour!
I have this weekend off from the pub (yippee!) and I’m finally going to do a bit of crafting for the first time in ages. With the exception of a few (generally late) birthday cards I have done nothing in the way of scrapbooking or the like since the last cyber crop. However, this weekend Shazzer and I (along with Missy and Fluzzie) are heading to Alexander Palace for the Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show. I am expecting a laughter filled weekend, full of classes, drinking and shopping – not necessarily in that order (although I am NOT buying anything – I have FAR too much stash already!)
Unsurprisingly, Shazzer and I picked almost all the same classes, so on Saturday we’re doing Twinkle Twinkle (her) & Vintage Elegance (me) and a water colouring class. On Sunday we’re doing Festive Fun, My Favourite Thing, Christmas Pearl Delight and Hitting the Bottle. We had originally expected to do 3 classes each day but the one we wanted on Saturday was full so we had to switch to Sunday. I am really looking forward to the weekend especially as it’s been far too long since I last saw Shazzer.
UKS is 5 years old and is of course celebrating by holding a cyber crop (I haven’t checked the forum out properly yet but I’m sure it’s next weekend). The theme is (as if there could be any doubt) Birthday party and so the teams are related in some way. As usual there are 4 teams, the jiggly jellies, the clowns & balloons, the party puddings and the completely crackers. Also as usual Shazzer and I ended up on completely different teams – she’s a clown and I’m a jiggler, hence the title of today’s post.
I am sure cyber crop madness will follow shortly, although I may have to resort to some real life scrapping as I still haven’t managed to sort out Publisher since I tinkered with my computer a few weeks ago (I really MUST learn to stop doing that). I desperately want to do some digi scrapping as I now have hundreds (quite literally) of fantastic photos from my sisters wedding since she kindly sent me all of Gerard’s and the official photographers photos and I find it so much easier, quicker and tidier to do it digi. Of course if I go for the real life scrapping then I suppose at least I’ll use up some of that massive pile of stash which is threatening to completely engulf the lounge and have a chance to fill one of the many scrapbook albums I’ve been hoarding *LOL*
I want to recommend the film ‘Snow Cake’ starring (yep I bet you’d already guessed) Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver. So desperate was I to get my hands on this film I ended up with a Polish copy and it took me some 20 minutes to work out how to turn off the subtitles. It was definitely worth the trouble. Sigourney gives a fantastic performance as a high functioning autistic woman and Alan is lovely as Alex the traumatized driver of a car which killed her daughter. The film is by turns sad, funny, poignant and yet never overwhelms. Definitely a recommendation from me for what must be one of Rickman’s best films yet. I was also lucky enough to find on the internet Anthony Minghella’s ‘Play’ which was part of the ‘Beckett on Film’ set. This was an odd little piece also starring Juliet Stevenson and Kristen Scott Thomas as urn people, which I actually strangely rather enjoyed. I am now waiting for ‘Dark Harbor’ and ‘The Search for John Gissing’ which are both winging their way to me from the US and ‘Judas Kiss’ which is on it’s way from Holland.
Finally just wanted to say a quick Happy 40th Birthday to my mate Andrew. We’re off to the pub to celebrate later so I’m sure he’ll be having a good day!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
More Films
Also VERY disappointing to me was seeing the trailer for the Dark is Rising film. I previously mentioned how I loved the Dark is Rising sequence books - in fact I think I would have to admit to loving them MORE than Harry Potter and have been a devoted follower for the last 30 odd years. Like HP, the books are quintessentially British stories, made up by wonderful mixture of modern storytelling interwoven with Arthurian, Merlin, Lost Land and other legends - a true battle of the dark and light. I and I am sure many thousands of other readers have always thought that they would make for a fantastic series of films on a par with HP or LOTR. Unfortunately, the film soon to be released is not it. Having completely ignored the first book in the series 'Under Sea and Over Stone' they have moved onto the second story 'The Dark Is Rising'. Of course in true Hollywood style they have renamed it 'The Seeker: Dark is Rising' and changed the setting from Britain to the US. They have completely changed the alliances of the characters, have completely changed the plot, and for some strange reason have (completely mis)cast Ian McShane as Merriman. From what I can see from the trailer very little of the original story appears to be intact. Obviously I should boycott the film as it is so different from the books I know and love. Of course in reality I am sure I will end up seeing it at some point, and will just have to try and forget that it is associated with some of the best children's fiction ever written and take it on face value as just a film.
On a better note I also saw two new (for me) Alan Rickman films - 'Mesmer' which was a pretty good biography on Franz Anton Mesmer (just imagine how mesmerising Alan can be) and a fantastic film called 'Something the Lord Made' which was about the work of Dr Alfred Blalock and Dr Vivien Thomas on blue babies. This was a real tearjerker and so well acted, not just by Alan but also by Mos Def, the other main protagonist. I am now looking forward to getting 'The Search for John Gissing' which has finally made it onto international video release.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A filmic weekend
In fact there are several films out during the next few months that I am really looking forward to seeing - firstly 'Atonement' which is out this week. I am excitedly awaiting the release of the first of the 'Dark is Rising' films finally (I have loved these books for so many years and always thought they would make great films) on 12th October. This is followed by Neil Gaiman's 'Stardust' on the 19th October and finally the 'The Golden Compass' the first part of Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy (completely awesome books) on 7th December.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Kiefer vs Alan
Whilst checking out all things Rickman I found this video for the song 'In Demand' by Texas. I had never seen this before but then I'm not really a Texas fan. However, I can watch this video again and again. Just how sexy is that man?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Grrrr to the NHS
Finally I stopped being pig headed and decided to go and see the doctor. To be honest I kept putting it off because it seemed such a stupid thing to see him about, but the increase in pain and lack of mobility goaded me into action.
So yesterday morning I phoned the doctors to make an appointment. Now obviously i didn't expect to get to see my doctor as he is very popular and gets booked up well in advance, although sometimes one can get lucky. However, the receptionist immediately told me that there were no appointments for that day at all (apparently the child population of Walderslade all went sick on the first day back to school) and that the next routine appointment she could give me would be for Wednesday 12th September - yep you heard right a week away!
I did enquire about seeing my doctor but was told there was a 5 week wait to see him. So I have booked the appointment for the 12th and have to hope that it doesn't get any worse in the meantime. Of course I could always phone the doctors every morning at 8.30am between now and then and see if I can get an earlier appointment, but that seems like a lot of hard work for little reward.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Frustrating Times
I always mean to be organised and get the birthday cards sent and then something happens and I completely forget there are birthdays until its too late and I've missed them.
This week I've missed 3 - Anna, Am and my dad (I caught Fi's but only by a fluke). So happy belated birthday to all of you. Cards are on their way (or may have even arrived by now). The only solace I can offer is that you're not alone. Everyone else I know has received their cards late this year too.
Of course to add to the frustration technology is letting me down too. OK so I missed sending the birthday card on time - not a problem I can e-mail one. It's instant(ish) and will at least arrive on the birthday. Apparently not. From messages I have received the e-card never arrived, and now I find I am having huge problems with my e-mail account and can't send any replies to discover if the card has finally arrived.
Dad I really hope that you got your e-card, and hopefully Andrea will give you your real card soon too.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Holiday Memories
Thought I'd better get on with it tonight as I had an unexpected free evening as the pub is closed for redecoration for a few days. I have a staff meeting/party to attend there tomorrow evening and am meeting Lisa on Wednesday, with the grand reopening on Thursday evening, so it is likely to be the weekend before I next get a chance to update.
Monday, August 13, 2007
It's that update time again ...
I kept meaning to post, but somehow never had the time. First, planning then getting ready for my holiday and the wedding in Italy , then I got rather upset with a comment that I had been left anonymously on Facebook which left me not wanting to post on the internet at all and then of course the holiday itself.
My dear friend Kate went into labour much earlier than she should have done and at 22.10pm on 23rd July 2007 she gave birth to a daughter, Hope, who only weighed 2lbs. Unfortunately, her lungs were too small to cope and she very sadly passed away after half an hour. I send my love and thoughts (a bit belatedly admittedly) to Kate and Paul.Immediately after receiving the text I posted an R.I.P. message for Hope on Facebook, followed by a comment in my status bar that I was upset over the death of Kate’s baby. Someone kindly left me an anonymous message telling me that they hoped that I wasn’t grieving over a real baby as it was crass to do so on Facebook. The tone of the message was not very pleasant. This really annoyed and upset me and left me not wanting to post anywhere for a few days. However, I have now calmed down again and am ready to inflict my views upon the world once more.
The Holiday
So on to the holiday and wedding. I have decided to start another blog (yep sorry, another one) to detail the events and as a place where I can showcase all the wedding pictures (my sister looked completely stunning as you will see) when I get them. Unfortunately I lost my camera on the last day of my holiday so I have no pictures of my own to share (and believe me I’m completely gutted about it), but I am hoping to get pictures from other attendees and hopefully should have loads to share when they all get back from their respective holidays. I will be aiming to complete the whole thing in the next few weeks, unlike the New Orleans holiday which I am aware that I haven’t touched for a zillion years. Hopefully I can finally get that finished in the next few weeks too – I just need to find time to translate my hastily written shorthand.
On the first day of my holiday, Mrs H3 text me to ask if I wanted a ticket to see My Chemical Romance who are playing at O2 in November. Bliddy stupid question if you ask me! Of course I jumped at the chance, so hopefully will soon be on a countdown to see them again. But my next countdown is for the Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show at Alexandra Palace which Shazzer (possibly Am) and I are going to on 29th & 30th September.
Fantastic Fiction
Finally, I have been spending some time catching up on fan fiction since finishing the Harry Potter books and especially on the Sycophant Hex/Occlumency site which deals mainly with stories relating to the wonderful Severus Snape. If you’re a Snape fan (or even just a HP fan in general) I recommend you check it out as it has some wonderful stories on there. Be warned that you will end up wasting entirely too much time on there though!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Harry Potter Weekend 2
Mrs H3 and I had a good evening at Bluewater last night. We went for a nice meal in De:Alto and then queued with all the other nutters for Waterstones to open at 12:01. We took part in quizzes, raffles and got scars painted on our faces, had balloon swords and hats made and generally got a bit hyperactive on the haribo sweets that were being freely dished out to all and sundry. Hopefully some photos will follow when Mrs H3 sends them to me.
The weird thing is that I have the urge to curl up in bed and read it all over again, except of course I have other things to do, like Phil's 40th birthday party. I have the day off tomorrow too so maybe I'll reread then.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Only 3 days till I find out who lives in Harry Potter 7;
Only 14 days till I fly out to Italy;
Only 17 days till Jo and Paul get married;
and just to upset everyone
Only 159 days till Christmas!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Harry Potter Weekend 1
We started our retail therapy day in Debenham's at Lakeside (as my friend Am suggested that it might be a good place to find a dress for the wedding) and after trying on half a dozen lovely dresses - I was delighted to find that a size 22 fit perfectly, my fears of still being a 24 completely unfounded - found a gorgeous dress by John Rocha which was a halter neck in cream with black flower pattern on it. I went to the till where I was informed that my card had been declined. I couldn’t understand why this was (I had bought some knives from the same place only about 40 minutes before), so ran over to the Abbey (which was luckily across the way) where I was told that the link system had gone down and my chip had been locked. All I needed do was unlock the pin and all would be well. The woman made it sound like it was obvious that was what had happened – although I’d never heard of it before, so I unlocked my pin and off I went back to queue for the till. Nope my card was declined again. The woman at the till phoned Visa, who gave her a telephone number for me to call and she kindly let me use their telephone to do this.
I then spent 7 minutes in a queue before finally getting through to (yep you guessed it) an Indian call centre. They informed me that my card had been suspended after some suspicious transactions (this brought back memories of my last day in New Orleans when they did exactly the same thing, yet again without any warning). They reeled off a few and some I recognized, some I didn’t, but I was having trouble understanding what he was saying – and as I pointed out, because I wasn’t at home, but in the middle of a department store, I couldn’t remember without looking them up. At this the man told me that he felt the activity was suspicious and he’d cancelled my card and I would now have to wait for a new one to come through after the account was checked. I asked how I was supposed to pay for my dress. He said I couldn’t using my card, but that if I went to my local Abbey branch with my passport I would be able to draw out some money. I tried to point out that I was nowhere near my local branch, and neither do I take my passport shopping with me, but to no avail. My card was cancelled and there was nothing he or I could do. I was furious!
As it had taken so long to sort this I had to leave the dress in Debenham’s, because we needed to get over to Bluewater for the film. After the film had finished I went to Abbey to see if there was anything I could do to get some money. Luckily they were very helpful and so I withdrew enough money to get an outfit, plus food shopping for the week etc. So we then wandered around Bluewater, trying on dresses in every possible shop. Disappointingly, Monsoon only had 1 dress in a size 22 in the whole shop, and although Lynne told me it looked nice I really hated the colour so that was a no go. In Ann Harvey I actually fitted into a size 20 dress (although a bit too tight across the tummy, and there’s no way I’m wearing pants of steel in the Italian heat) and I bought a new swimsuit which was in the sale, and is really flattering. One thing I had noticed with all the outfits I’d tried on (and with most of the clothes I've got from ebay recently) was that the bust didn’t fit quite right so I went to Leia and had a fitting for a new bra. I had changed much more than I had realised and a new bra made a world of difference. I bought 2 bras and 2 pairs of matching knickers (in pale pink/pale blue and cerise – I know I should have got sensible black, but it was so nice to have a choice of colours for a change) and headed off back on my dress crusade.
I ended up in Marks & Spencer where I found a beautiful dress, but of course sod’s law was that they had every size (from 8 – 28) except for a 22. I tried on the 24 and it fit pretty well, although a bit loose around the bust. I found a lovely organza hat which went perfectly (and packs flat – perfect for traveling!) and as soon as I saw it all on I knew it was the right dress for me. I bought the 24 as it was the only one in stock, but have ordered a 22 which will be in store for next Thursday so I can try that on and choose the one which is the best fit – I’m thinking the 22 should fit perfectly round the bust. Now I just have to find some sandals or something to wear with it – not sure I have anything suitable atm as I don’t really wear strappy sandals and Jo has (understandably) forbidden me from wearing Birkenstocks or fit flops
We finally got finished shopping about 9.20pm and then headed off to De:Alto for a lovely meal (see diet blog for details) and a chance to sit and relax after our hectic day. All in all a fantastic day.
And the film? Well it was OK. Firstly, it's a bit weird that the longest book in the series has been made into the shortest film. Yes, the book was a bit of a filler, but the film has hacked the story that was in it to bits. Loads of stuff is missing, and what is in there has been considerably changed (and not necessarily for the better). However, it is still an enjoyable film in the way all HP films are, just as long as you forget about the book (best to make sure you haven't just reread it before you see the film), and of course yet again darker than the film before it. I didn't think that it wrung the emotion the way that the book did though, although really none of the films ever have. It was good to see favourite characters making a reappearance and has now really got me desperately waiting for the the final book next weekend.
Of course, not content to wait for the postman (the wait for the previous 2 books being far too traumatic) Mrs H3 and I have preordered the book from Waterstones at Bluewater and are going to be spending Friday night there waiting for the doors to open at 12.01. Of course once I have my book I will be completely incommunicado until I have finished the last page (and finished the sobbing - which could take some time).