Thursday, November 29, 2007
Oh Go On Then ....
Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes 1
Did I mention I'm Desperate to see Sweeney Todd?
Sweeney todd clip 1
Sweeney todd clip 2
Sweeney todd clip 3
Sweeney todd clip 4
Sweeney todd clip 5
Sweeney todd clip 6
Sweeney Todd Clip 7
Sweeney Todd Clip 8
Sweeney Todd Clip 9
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
And More Sweeney Todd too!
If I hadn’t been desperate to see it before I certainly am now. Lucky America gets the film on Christmas Day but we have to wait a whole month longer. At least I’ve got something mega to look forward to on my birthday for a change.
Here's a behind the scenes featurette, I'll be posting the other new clips as they become available - the 'gandered at my ward' scene with Alan is particularly delicious and one I want to add to my collection.
The same report also said that Nobel Son and Bottle Shock were due for release in January too. I am assuming this is in America as I’ve still heard no news on a UK release date for either, but hopefully that means they could be scheduled for a spring release over here. Fingers crossed.
More Music
Mrs H3 and I have a long history of trying to outdo each other on finding the worst album of all time (usually cover version related as I love cover versions). A couple of weeks ago she gave me a few contenders that I have to admit almost beat anything I've ever come up with (although I still contend that I found the worst album ever ... but more of that in a few weeks - yep it is Christmas related).
One of the albums is 'More, More and More' by Girls Aloud, a band that I've generally managed to ignore until this point. Although their own songs were okay in a generally bland sort of way, being the sort of pop I'm not awfully keen on, their cover versions are absolutely cracking. I was particularly impressed by a live version of 'Teenage Dirtbag' and their musicals medley.
Of course it may be that they actually sound really dire but I had just listened to a double album of various artists doing 'Crazy Covers' and anything bad by Girls Aloud paled into insignificance next to this.
I have to admit that there were a few excellent tracks on that too, such as the Sugababes doing 'I bet you look good on the Dancefloor' and Ian Brown doing 'Thriller' and a strange cover version of 'Young Folks' which I thought really rocked, but generally this album was ODD!
Turkish versions of 'Rock the Casbah' and other songs sung in German or Dutch and some of the strangest cover versions ever heard. I did rather like the Dynamo's Rhythm Aces swing version of The Smith's 'Panic' during which members of the band have a conversation about why they are panicking, musing that if there was a nuclear explosion and everyone got wiped out there'd be no-one left to play George Michael records. Very funny when you hear it and suits my sense of humour perfectly!
Finally there was Paul Anka with his 'Classic songs: My Way' which I have to admit I couldn't face listening to after 4 cds worth of the other stuff. When I listened to it a few days later I found it generally pleasant in much the same way as 'Rock Swings' was. I understand that both the Girls Aloud and Paul Anka were chosen primarily for the Duran Duran cover versions 'Girls on Film' and 'Ordinary World' respectively, and actually both tracks aren't bad.
Talking of Duran Duran (and no not under worst album category ... although it almost could have been) their new album ‘Red Carpet Massacre’ is surprisingly excellent. I was less than enthusiastic when I heard the first single 'Falling Down' with Justin Timberlake and a few more listenings didn't really improve my opinion. The idea of Timbaland mixing it up didn't appeal either and I was truly expecting to hate the album with a vengeance, with the exception of ‘Box Full o’ Honey’ which I adored from the moment I heard it. However, by the time I’d listened to the whole album I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I’d feared and after the third listen in a row, I found myself happily singing along to ‘Falling Down’ as if it were a favourite song. Many people have said that ‘Red Carpet Massacre’ is like their first self-titled album but I would liken it more to 1993’s second self-titled album more commonly known as the ‘Wedding Album’. Justin Timberlake has said that his favourite song of all time is ‘Ordinary World’ and many of the songs on this album have that flavour about them. I’m still not happy about the way Duran Duran treat their fans but have to admit that they can still churn out a good song – and yes, I’ll go to see them when they tour a place where tickets aren’t £100 each!
As a last thought on cover versions a couple of mornings ago I heard Leona Lewis doing Snow Patrol’s ‘Run’. It was astonishingly beautiful! I was stunned to find that she actually can sing which is something that her current awful single sadly doesn't show too well.
The Long Awaited MCR Review!
Actually I’m a bit late posting this but what the hell - it's my blog and being rebellious that means I can do what I want with it when I want (yes, that includes not yet completeing the New Orleans blog, sorry)
On 15th November Mrs H3 and I went to see My Chemical Romance at the O2 Dome in London. It was, as I expected a fantastic evening and the guys were on excellent form. As they’ve now been touring for over a year the set has obviously changed a bit since I last saw them so instead of playing Black Parade first and ending with older tracks this time they interspersed the two. And they certainly packed them in. Opening with Stay they powered through the usual suspects – This Is How I Disappear, Dead!, The Sharpest Lives, I’m Not Okay, I Don’t Love You, House of Wolves, Mama , Cemetery Drive, You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison, Helena, Sleep, Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade, Cancer, plus more rarely heard songs like Headfirst for Halos and Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough For The Two Of Us, finally ending the encore quite appropriately with Famous Last Words. Highlight for many was their rendition of Desert Song, something that they’ve apparently only ever played live once before. For me it was good to hear the older tracks being played live, but I wasn’t sure whether it was a good introduction for Mrs H3.
She had gamely gone along having only played half of the Black Parade and never having heard any other track by them. She tells me she enjoyed the concert, although was a little disappointed that they weren’t as loud as Chas and Dave were when they played the Broadway Theatre, Catford. I feel it is my duty to now write and complain to MCR for their lack of noise. *LOL*
MCR have had a run of bad luck since before the Black Parade came out and it continued when Bob (the drummer) announced that he was dropping out of the tour on the Sunday night before the O2 concert due to a bad wrist, although apparently he was going to be staying on to help with the pyrotechnics. And then on Tuesday Frank (the guitarist) had to pull out due to a family illness. This meant that Mikey (bassist) finally returned to the fold after his post nuptial break so that Matt could take over Frank’s role. The band are now off in Australia, but I’m hoping they’ll find some time to get back in the studio to record a new album soon, although of course I’d be happy to see them touring back over here again too.
Annoyingly I was offered a free ticket to the Foo Fighters concert at O2 on the Sunday night, but alas I wasn't able to make it. Friends who went said it was ace - definitely a band I still need to catch live sometime. While I'm talking of live bands I found out that I am Kloot are playing tonight and tomorrow in London, unfortunately too late for me to get a ticket. However, they're back on 18th December so I'm considering going to see them. What do you think Mrs H3? Also was very excited to see that Gary Numan is touring with the classic 'Replicas' album in March - definitely got that one in my diary!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Music Time
When I’m not watching films I’m listening to loads of new music at the moment as the TV really has deteriorated. And of course, me being me, I just had to share with you. Now obviously I have a real thing for quirky, interesting, innovative and possibly downright eccentric music and so all the following have caught my attention for one or more of these reasons. Now as I only listen to about 15 minutes of music on the radio every day (when the alarm goes off) I don’t actually get to hear much new stuff except through a fluke as Radio 1 isn’t awfully experimental at 5am. So if you already know all about these fantastic artists and tracks I apologise, although not much because I’m happy to showcase their work on my blog regardless of how long they’ve been out. But if not, I really urge you to check them out.
First up is the truly awesome debut album ‘Wicked Man’s Rest’ by Passenger. This album has been on the random playlist at the pub for the last couple of weeks (I believe it was released at the end of September) and every time a track comes on I’ve rushed over to find out what it was. Eventually I just had to own the album. I know that 3 singles have been released from it, but have no idea if any of them made the charts. What I do know is that it is a perfectly crafted slice of skewed pop heaven (listen to the last single ‘Walk You Home’ and you’ll see what I mean). Mike Rosenberg has an interesting and unusual voice and the songs are somewhat darker and stranger than most of the fare emerging these days and is a real breath of fresh air. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!!
(Walk You Home by Passenger - Official Video)
While I’m recommending albums I’d just like to mention a few others that are top of my current playlist - Newton Faulkner’s ‘Hand Built By Robots’, Blue October’s ‘Foiled Again’ which is a double album containing their last brilliant studio album ‘Foiled’ and ‘Teach Your Baby Well Live’ a 14 track live album, Mark Ronson’s ‘Version’, Rufus Wainwright’s ‘Release the Stars’, Richard Hawley’s ‘Lady’s Bridge’, Bjorn & John Peter’s ‘Falling Out’, Stephen Fretwell’s ‘Man on the Roof’, Feist’s ‘The Reminder’, H.I.M.’s ‘Venus Doom’, Dave Gahan’s ‘Hourglass’ and Babyshambles’ ‘Shotter’s Nation’.
Now I just love songs from films. I adore the Take That track from Stardust – ‘Rule the World’ and downloaded it as soon as it was available. But my recent Alan Rickman appreciation has unearthed some older mega gems (although not, as I’m sure you’ll be pleased to hear, ‘Everything I do (I do it for you)’ by Bryan Adams, although I actually don’t mind the track) that have shot straight into my all time favourite tracks league. Apart from being a funny film ‘The Search for John Gissing’ introduced me to a truly wonderful artist by the name of David Mead. His track from the film ‘World of a King’ is a really catchy little number and after falling completely in love with it led me to checking out his other work. I currently have his last album ‘Tangerine’ on repeat play. Eventually, I will need to have his entire back catalogue and will definitely be looking out for him going on tour.
(World of a King by David Mead - Live version)
From the fantastic 'Snow Cake' (and the more I watch that film the more I love it) there are two tracks, the achingly beautiful love song ‘ Same Deep Water’ by I Am Kloot and the haunting ‘Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl’ by Broken Social Scene (of which Leslie Feist is a member).
(Same Deep Water by I Am Kloot - Live version)
(Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl by Broken Social Scene - Official Video)
And finally it's only 9 days till Mrs H3 and I go to see My Chemical Romance at O2. I'm really looking forward to it.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Blimey I've been blogging like crazy!

Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween!
I meant to post yesterday and wish my sister Jo a really Happy Birthday, but I just didn't get round to it. Anyway, hopefully she had a good day even without my virtual best wishes.
I have changed the trailer of ‘The Golden Compass’ to a You Tube one rather than the one from the official site as the way it mucked up my formatting really annoyed me and the quick time thing was driving me mad. Now you can choose to watch the trailer rather than being forced to have it on. It’s a slightly different one and the film looks even better in my opinion. Take a look and see what you think.
You’ll remember Lynnie Lou and I went to see “Dark is Rising” last week. I am pleased to report that as a film it is very good – the special effects are excellent and it is an interesting and thrilling story with generally good acting. However, as an adaptation of the book it is truly diabolical. Apart from the title, the names of some of the characters and about 4 lines of dialogue almost the whole film bears no actual resemblance to the book in any way. As a long time addict of the book I spent quite a large part of the movie confused as plot after plot was discarded in favour of a different story. Eventually I gave in and decided to ignore the fact it was supposed to be based on the book and just enjoy it as a film and it worked. For anyone who thinks that the Harry Potter films have hacked the story (and that includes me) they are nothing compared to the butchery that has taken place with “Dark is Rising”. I would definitely recommend the film for entertainment value, but would even more recommend reading the books and getting the full and proper story. To be honest I find it hard to believe that they will be adapting any of the other books in the series, all are far too interwoven with Arthurian and other British legends and the studio appears to not want this type of film. I suppose they could just rewrite the scripts so that they bear no resemblance to the original stories, but the first film seems to have been designed as a stand alone, so perhaps they’re just not going to bother with the others. Perhaps one day someone will make them properly.
OK well Halloween’s been and gone now so I’m late posting as usual. Tomorrow I’ll add some pictures from Saturday night after the pub’s Halloween Party when we all descended on Den and Lynne.