Well it arrived out of nowhere and disappeared just as quickly!
Having not been anywhere near ready for it, suddenly the big day was upon us and then it was finished almost before I had a chance to enjoy it. I had a somewhat different Christmas day than expected as Mrs H3 was taken ill on Christmas Eve (get well soon hun) and was therefore unable to come and stay (sending love to Tammie too who was also poorly in hospital over Christmas having had a burst appendix on Christmas Eve). Instead I spent the afternoon and evening at the pub. I didn’t get round to opening my presents until almost 11pm, but received lots of lovely chocolate related things from Andrew, Aiden and Lesley and lots of nice little bits from Lynne.
Yesterday I went to visit Leanne (and her boyfriend Stephen), Jane and Julie at Barbara’s where I got some CDs (I Am Kloot, David Mead and Passenger) and more chocolate (how on earth I’m going to eat it all before the beginning of January so I can restart my diet gawd knows!). We attempted to play the Lord of the Rings Interactive game, but even though all of us are huge fans of the books and the films it was almost impossible. So giving up we instead played our usual round of Uno.
So Christmas is over and all that’s left is the chocolate. I really ought to make the effort to go to see Enchanted sometime before I go back to work and Andrew and I are supposed to be going to see I am Legend at some point too.
So now we’re waiting for New Year, although I don’t expect that to be any more interesting than Christmas was, and then of course depressingly it’ll be time to go back to work.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Playing Catch Up As Usual
Well it’s been and gone (Christmas that is) and once again it’s been over a week since I last posted. So here it is finally, my review of the fantastic I Am Kloot concert that Mrs H3 and I went to on the 18th December (seems like a lifetime ago already).
I have to admit that it got off to a slightly inauspicious start when we got lost trying to find Brick Lane (somewhere we’ve never been any good at finding) and then when we finally got to 93 Feet East realised that the place was completely empty (tickets said the concert started at 7.30pm, doors open at 5pm – we got there at 7pm). Undeterred I remained convinced that things would get going shortly (Mrs H3 less so obviously) and so we went to get a curry from a lovely place called Cinnamon.
We arrived back just before 8pm to find that I Am Kloot were actually due to go onstage at 9pm and there were now at least 10 other people there (yep, I know not the greatest number ever but I remained optimistic). After I bought a limited edition copy of their new album the completely wonderful ‘I Am Kloot Play Moolah Rouge’ we got ourselves a drink and found a seat at the edge of the room and people watched as the room began to fill.
9pm came and went and still there was no sign of the band, but there was quite a mixed crowd growing. When they finally made it to the stage just after 9.30pm there was actually a rather good crowd.
Once again Mrs H3 managed to attract a rather interesting and incredibly rude new friend who kept her entertained for the whole concert (poor girl) whilst I concentrated on the music and John Bramwell.
The set was a stellar one covering all their albums and was a good mixture of their new songs and older favourites from all three previous albums. John’s voice held up well, it was a real relief to see him recovered from the severe throat infection that made them have to cancel previous dates and their European tour. Lovely acoustic numbers like From Your Favourite Sky and the fabulous Ferris Wheels sat happily alongside punchier tracks such as One Man Brawl. Eventually I just had to and stand at the front and get closer to this brilliant band, leaving Mrs H3 with her new friend. It was a real pleasure to hear songs like the emotionally brilliant Dark Star and they finished their set with the always awesome To You.
I had a fantastic evening and I think that Mrs H3 enjoyed the show too, although obviously it would have been improved without the annoying company. I just hope they tour again soon.
I have to admit that it got off to a slightly inauspicious start when we got lost trying to find Brick Lane (somewhere we’ve never been any good at finding) and then when we finally got to 93 Feet East realised that the place was completely empty (tickets said the concert started at 7.30pm, doors open at 5pm – we got there at 7pm). Undeterred I remained convinced that things would get going shortly (Mrs H3 less so obviously) and so we went to get a curry from a lovely place called Cinnamon.
We arrived back just before 8pm to find that I Am Kloot were actually due to go onstage at 9pm and there were now at least 10 other people there (yep, I know not the greatest number ever but I remained optimistic). After I bought a limited edition copy of their new album the completely wonderful ‘I Am Kloot Play Moolah Rouge’ we got ourselves a drink and found a seat at the edge of the room and people watched as the room began to fill.
9pm came and went and still there was no sign of the band, but there was quite a mixed crowd growing. When they finally made it to the stage just after 9.30pm there was actually a rather good crowd.
Once again Mrs H3 managed to attract a rather interesting and incredibly rude new friend who kept her entertained for the whole concert (poor girl) whilst I concentrated on the music and John Bramwell.
The set was a stellar one covering all their albums and was a good mixture of their new songs and older favourites from all three previous albums. John’s voice held up well, it was a real relief to see him recovered from the severe throat infection that made them have to cancel previous dates and their European tour. Lovely acoustic numbers like From Your Favourite Sky and the fabulous Ferris Wheels sat happily alongside punchier tracks such as One Man Brawl. Eventually I just had to and stand at the front and get closer to this brilliant band, leaving Mrs H3 with her new friend. It was a real pleasure to hear songs like the emotionally brilliant Dark Star and they finished their set with the always awesome To You.
I had a fantastic evening and I think that Mrs H3 enjoyed the show too, although obviously it would have been improved without the annoying company. I just hope they tour again soon.
Monday, December 17, 2007
What? Not Another Post!
Oh my God Christmas is almost here and I’m so unprepared!
Two more days at work and I’ve written no cards (sorry everyone – Merry Christmas by the way!) and sorted very few presents, not even sent the Sinners CD yet (sorry girls – I will do it a.s.a.p. promise). I can’t even think of anything that I want for Christmas myself apart from a Nintendo DS with Brain Training (but I think that’s only ‘cos I’ve seen so many ruddy adverts for it) or a copy of ‘Beadle the Bard’, but of course I don’t know anyone with a couple of million quid to spare to buy that for me. But then I’m not feeling at all Christmassy even after putting up the tree, decorating my workspace, opening my chocolate advent calendar and finding dodgy Christmas e-mail backgrounds, which seems a bit weird when this time next week it will be Christmas Eve and almost all over. Perhaps it would help if I knew when I was working over Christmas to help me plan what to do during my free time (seeing Enchanted is on my list at some point), although I’m not sure it’ll make any difference – I just have to face the fact my interest in Christmas has been completely overshadowed by my need to see Sweeney Todd.
My poor beloved Kiefer will be spending both his birthday on Friday and Christmas in jail (whilst I agree he deserves his sentence, I’m not sure why he has to do the full stretch just because he’s a bloke and silly tarts like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan get off with doing hours – they should all have done full sentences), although according to the media hundreds of people have written to him so at least he’ll have something to do while he’s there, but the poor darling hasn’t yet had any visitors. Apparently he’s being a model prisoner, folding laundry and working in the kitchens so well done to him. I expect the rest will do him the world of good, but I think he should come and stay with me when he gets out so I can keep him out of trouble!
Tomorrow is the eagerly awaited (by me anyway) I Am Kloot concert at 93 Feet East (just over 24 hours and counting). I really can’t wait to see them and am very excited at the prospect, which was helped by our visit to the Tap ‘n’ Tin on Saturday. It was great to see a concert in a small venue again, something I haven’t done for such a long time and it’s really got me stoked up. I’ve fallen completely in love with John Bramwell and his magnificent lyrics (is he the best (love) song writer ever?) and am hoping that Mrs H3 will enjoy them more once she’s seen them live. She really is completely brilliant for pitching up to something that she really doesn’t want to see (but I do desperately) and then enjoying herself. I am eternally grateful to her (thank you so much Lisa - you really are a hunny) and absolutely dreading when someone like Black Lace (are they still going?) decide to tour because I know I’ll have to repay the favour, and I’m not sure I can do it as gracefully as she does.
Already we’ve planned a pantomime for the New Year. Every year we say we’re going to go then we don’t get round to it but this time we’ve finally booked one. So we’re seeing Peter Pan (one of my favourites) at Bromley, starring none other than good ole’ Starsky (of Starsky & Hutch fame) himself Paul Michael Glaser. I’m expecting great things from him ‘cos I’m sure he can camp it up with the best of them, although he’ll have to work hard to beat Jason Isaacs (Peter Pan) or Alan Rickman (An Awfully Big Adventure). Whatever, I’m expecting an evening of fun and I know that we’ll have a good time however bad or good it is!
Two more days at work and I’ve written no cards (sorry everyone – Merry Christmas by the way!) and sorted very few presents, not even sent the Sinners CD yet (sorry girls – I will do it a.s.a.p. promise). I can’t even think of anything that I want for Christmas myself apart from a Nintendo DS with Brain Training (but I think that’s only ‘cos I’ve seen so many ruddy adverts for it) or a copy of ‘Beadle the Bard’, but of course I don’t know anyone with a couple of million quid to spare to buy that for me. But then I’m not feeling at all Christmassy even after putting up the tree, decorating my workspace, opening my chocolate advent calendar and finding dodgy Christmas e-mail backgrounds, which seems a bit weird when this time next week it will be Christmas Eve and almost all over. Perhaps it would help if I knew when I was working over Christmas to help me plan what to do during my free time (seeing Enchanted is on my list at some point), although I’m not sure it’ll make any difference – I just have to face the fact my interest in Christmas has been completely overshadowed by my need to see Sweeney Todd.
My poor beloved Kiefer will be spending both his birthday on Friday and Christmas in jail (whilst I agree he deserves his sentence, I’m not sure why he has to do the full stretch just because he’s a bloke and silly tarts like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan get off with doing hours – they should all have done full sentences), although according to the media hundreds of people have written to him so at least he’ll have something to do while he’s there, but the poor darling hasn’t yet had any visitors. Apparently he’s being a model prisoner, folding laundry and working in the kitchens so well done to him. I expect the rest will do him the world of good, but I think he should come and stay with me when he gets out so I can keep him out of trouble!
Tomorrow is the eagerly awaited (by me anyway) I Am Kloot concert at 93 Feet East (just over 24 hours and counting). I really can’t wait to see them and am very excited at the prospect, which was helped by our visit to the Tap ‘n’ Tin on Saturday. It was great to see a concert in a small venue again, something I haven’t done for such a long time and it’s really got me stoked up. I’ve fallen completely in love with John Bramwell and his magnificent lyrics (is he the best (love) song writer ever?) and am hoping that Mrs H3 will enjoy them more once she’s seen them live. She really is completely brilliant for pitching up to something that she really doesn’t want to see (but I do desperately) and then enjoying herself. I am eternally grateful to her (thank you so much Lisa - you really are a hunny) and absolutely dreading when someone like Black Lace (are they still going?) decide to tour because I know I’ll have to repay the favour, and I’m not sure I can do it as gracefully as she does.
Already we’ve planned a pantomime for the New Year. Every year we say we’re going to go then we don’t get round to it but this time we’ve finally booked one. So we’re seeing Peter Pan (one of my favourites) at Bromley, starring none other than good ole’ Starsky (of Starsky & Hutch fame) himself Paul Michael Glaser. I’m expecting great things from him ‘cos I’m sure he can camp it up with the best of them, although he’ll have to work hard to beat Jason Isaacs (Peter Pan) or Alan Rickman (An Awfully Big Adventure). Whatever, I’m expecting an evening of fun and I know that we’ll have a good time however bad or good it is!
Sorry it's more Sweeney Todd ...
So the opening credits for Sweeney Todd are now online
and a new trailer – argggghhhhhhhh! I want to see this film NOW!!!!!
And what can say about this clip but woohoo - gotta love Alan Rickman (well I do, but then we all know that don't we?)
and a new trailer – argggghhhhhhhh! I want to see this film NOW!!!!!
And what can say about this clip but woohoo - gotta love Alan Rickman (well I do, but then we all know that don't we?)
Carry On .. Up the Tap 'n' Tin!
Well I’m pleased to say that my faith in Pete Doherty was well placed. To all the scoffers who said that he wouldn’t turn up – you were wrong! I know he missed a gig earlier in the week, but after all he was going to be at the Tap ‘n’ Tin with the legendary Chas & Dave … how could he not be there?
I thought Pete was fantastic value for money and in my opinion he played a blinding set, gave great entertainment value during Chas & Dave’s set (watching him trying to stay upright was almost worth the cover price on its own) and then to cap it all joined the guys for the last song.
When we arrived Pete had just gone onstage – perfect timing as it meant that we didn’t have to hang around for too long with the Pete look-alikes that crowded the room, although Mrs H3 got some very interesting attention from a couple of Chas & Dave fans *LOL*. There was a lot of waving of Union Jacks as he sang his way through classic Libertines and Babyshambles tracks. Damn that boy is beautiful, and such a gorgeous voice (and I think even Mrs H3 would agree with me). Amazingly he looked completely clean, even vaguely healthy looking and was very focussed and definitely on form. Check out these videos of him in action.
However, in the brief interval which can have been no more than about 10 minutes between him leaving the stage and Chas & Dave coming on he’d obviously taken something. He spent the whole set leaning against the wall trying to stay upright, beer bottle in hand, his eyes rolling and his skin having taken on that waxy pallor that you see in all the tabloid photos. To give him his due he was obviously very much enjoying the show, quite clearly singing along to every track, although he turned down the chance to sing with the band early into the set as I think he wouldn’t have made it to the stage. However, he’d recovered enough for the final number and they finished the evening with Pete singing a barnstorming version of “Ain’t No Pleasing You”.
I was also impressed that although he was completely out of it he took the time to talk to any fans who wanted to chat to him and spent most of the night signing autographs even though this was distracting him from watching Chas & Dave who performed a spirited and popular set.
All in all the evening was amazing and I’m very glad I attended, especially knowing how many jealous friends I now have!
Yep, we were there and we’ve even got the button badges to prove it!
I thought Pete was fantastic value for money and in my opinion he played a blinding set, gave great entertainment value during Chas & Dave’s set (watching him trying to stay upright was almost worth the cover price on its own) and then to cap it all joined the guys for the last song.
When we arrived Pete had just gone onstage – perfect timing as it meant that we didn’t have to hang around for too long with the Pete look-alikes that crowded the room, although Mrs H3 got some very interesting attention from a couple of Chas & Dave fans *LOL*. There was a lot of waving of Union Jacks as he sang his way through classic Libertines and Babyshambles tracks. Damn that boy is beautiful, and such a gorgeous voice (and I think even Mrs H3 would agree with me). Amazingly he looked completely clean, even vaguely healthy looking and was very focussed and definitely on form. Check out these videos of him in action.
However, in the brief interval which can have been no more than about 10 minutes between him leaving the stage and Chas & Dave coming on he’d obviously taken something. He spent the whole set leaning against the wall trying to stay upright, beer bottle in hand, his eyes rolling and his skin having taken on that waxy pallor that you see in all the tabloid photos. To give him his due he was obviously very much enjoying the show, quite clearly singing along to every track, although he turned down the chance to sing with the band early into the set as I think he wouldn’t have made it to the stage. However, he’d recovered enough for the final number and they finished the evening with Pete singing a barnstorming version of “Ain’t No Pleasing You”.
I was also impressed that although he was completely out of it he took the time to talk to any fans who wanted to chat to him and spent most of the night signing autographs even though this was distracting him from watching Chas & Dave who performed a spirited and popular set.
All in all the evening was amazing and I’m very glad I attended, especially knowing how many jealous friends I now have!
Yep, we were there and we’ve even got the button badges to prove it!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Here We Go ...
Sometimes it's great to have friends on the same wavelength!
Mrs H3 saw my post about the Chas & Dave concert and like me considered that it could be a completely awesome evening - so we've got tickets. It turns out that Chas & Dave were apparently a HUGE influence on the young Pete Doherty and he and the Libertines were forever covering their songs during their early days. Whatever happens the evening is going to be a huge laugh. Will of course report back later!
Mrs H3 saw my post about the Chas & Dave concert and like me considered that it could be a completely awesome evening - so we've got tickets. It turns out that Chas & Dave were apparently a HUGE influence on the young Pete Doherty and he and the Libertines were forever covering their songs during their early days. Whatever happens the evening is going to be a huge laugh. Will of course report back later!
It's Only Me
Just doing another catch up as it's been a week again already - how the time does fly as one gets older!
“It's nice, though, how Bonham Carter's corpse-bride complexion complements Depp's; how Rickman's sadistic Judge Turpin oozes real erotic heat, not just twisted sexual tastes; and how honorably a big studio has, er, stuck its neck out to do right by one of the great American artistic creations of our time.”
Yep, that’s me getting all excited again – especially with Alan Rickman oozing erotic heat (although when doesn’t he?)
I’m still gutted that I’ve got to wait another whole month for it, unless someone nice wants to give me the money to fly to the US to see it (please!) I’m even wishing Christmas away so I can see this film and that NEVER happens! I'm still desperate to see it even though its release coincides with me getting another year older!
I’m also now on countdown to seeing I am Kloot. Only another 4 days till I get to see this fantastic band live. The more I listen to them the more I think they are geniuses. I know Mrs H3 finds their work depressing, but of course that’s my favourite sort of music (depressing love songs a speciality) and I find them strangely uplifting (always a contrary bird I know). I’ve managed to listen to some of their new album too and am really looking forward to buying it at the concert and adding it to my I-Pod for non-stop play over Christmas (well actually slotted in between The Hoff's 'The Night Before Christmas', Alan Titchmarsh's 'Fill My Stocking', this years sinners choice (to be revealed later once the CD has been sent) and Chas & Dave's 'Christmas Knees Up' which Mrs H3 has very kindly procured for me).
Talking of concerts and Chas & Dave, the cockney duo (and their drummer) are playing at the Tap ‘n’ Tin in Chatham tomorrow night (although according to the website they’re not due on stage till 1am!) Now I knew about this quite some time ago as Steve and Terry are going, but at £25 a ticket I felt it a little extravagant, just before Christmas (the I am Kloot tickets were £13.50 in case you were wondering) especially considering my love/hate relationship with the duo. However, yesterday I discovered who their special guest was and now I’m sort of gutted not to be going – imagine, it’s none other than Pete Docherty. Yes, him of the huge amount of drug taking, but also of those fabulousty bands The Libertines and Babyshambles. A bit of a strange guest for them I thought, especially to be playing a venue like the Tap ‘n’ Tin (and of course there’s the ever present possibility that he won't show up), but I understand from one of the commuters on the coach this morning (obviously a bit of a Pete fan himself) that he has played there before back when he started, so he’s revisiting his roots and the fan sites seem convinced he’ll be there. Could be a seminal moment or a complete blow out – is it worth £25 to find out?
Unfortunately I haven't got round to making any more Christmas cards, nor have I actually written any yet. I have sorted out the Sinners Christmas CD but need to find time to get them in the post in time for Christmas, bear with me girls it will be on the way soon (I hope).
Entertainment Weekly’s review of Sweeney Todd has been released and its reviewer, like it appears most other reviewers loves the film. Obviously I was particularly taken with this part of the review:“It's nice, though, how Bonham Carter's corpse-bride complexion complements Depp's; how Rickman's sadistic Judge Turpin oozes real erotic heat, not just twisted sexual tastes; and how honorably a big studio has, er, stuck its neck out to do right by one of the great American artistic creations of our time.”
Yep, that’s me getting all excited again – especially with Alan Rickman oozing erotic heat (although when doesn’t he?)
I’m still gutted that I’ve got to wait another whole month for it, unless someone nice wants to give me the money to fly to the US to see it (please!) I’m even wishing Christmas away so I can see this film and that NEVER happens! I'm still desperate to see it even though its release coincides with me getting another year older!
I’m also now on countdown to seeing I am Kloot. Only another 4 days till I get to see this fantastic band live. The more I listen to them the more I think they are geniuses. I know Mrs H3 finds their work depressing, but of course that’s my favourite sort of music (depressing love songs a speciality) and I find them strangely uplifting (always a contrary bird I know). I’ve managed to listen to some of their new album too and am really looking forward to buying it at the concert and adding it to my I-Pod for non-stop play over Christmas (well actually slotted in between The Hoff's 'The Night Before Christmas', Alan Titchmarsh's 'Fill My Stocking', this years sinners choice (to be revealed later once the CD has been sent) and Chas & Dave's 'Christmas Knees Up' which Mrs H3 has very kindly procured for me).
Talking of concerts and Chas & Dave, the cockney duo (and their drummer) are playing at the Tap ‘n’ Tin in Chatham tomorrow night (although according to the website they’re not due on stage till 1am!) Now I knew about this quite some time ago as Steve and Terry are going, but at £25 a ticket I felt it a little extravagant, just before Christmas (the I am Kloot tickets were £13.50 in case you were wondering) especially considering my love/hate relationship with the duo. However, yesterday I discovered who their special guest was and now I’m sort of gutted not to be going – imagine, it’s none other than Pete Docherty. Yes, him of the huge amount of drug taking, but also of those fabulousty bands The Libertines and Babyshambles. A bit of a strange guest for them I thought, especially to be playing a venue like the Tap ‘n’ Tin (and of course there’s the ever present possibility that he won't show up), but I understand from one of the commuters on the coach this morning (obviously a bit of a Pete fan himself) that he has played there before back when he started, so he’s revisiting his roots and the fan sites seem convinced he’ll be there. Could be a seminal moment or a complete blow out – is it worth £25 to find out?
Friday, December 07, 2007
So I'm back from our day out at Bluewater. Have had a fantastic day with lots of lovely (and very naughty) food, lots of shopping done and a fantastic film watched.
'The Golden Compass' was everything I was hoping it would be. It stuck more closely to the book than films like Harry Potter etc., there were no major changes only a few omissions really which was great and all the characters were excellent as was the CGI. I have to admit to being surprised by the ending, but that was only because the story stuck so close to the book all the way through so I'd expected the same ending. I loved the film and really hope that they make the second (and eventually third) parts. Definitely one to add to my collection when it comes out on dvd, and Lynne and I both agreed we'd be more than happy to go and see the film again.
The rest of the day was taken up with shopping and eating. We walked round Bluewater about 4 or 5 times stopping for the odd cup of tea, ice cream, cake and sandwiches and finally ended up in De:Alto for dinner.
A great day but now I'm shattered!
I see that Alan Rickman has been placed at number 83 in Empire magazine's 100 sexiest movie stars list. Nice to see him in there. They say "All the girls love a bad boy and no one does bad better than Alan Rickman. It’s the voice that does it, that and a commanding screen presence. Such is his ability to give good evil that he even makes the oily Professor Severus Snape somehow attractive". How very true! No sign of Kiefer alas, but I guess he's more a TV star these days. Interestingly top male was Daniel Craig at No. 3, while the top two places were taken by Natalie Portman (2) and Angelina Jolie (1).
'The Golden Compass' was everything I was hoping it would be. It stuck more closely to the book than films like Harry Potter etc., there were no major changes only a few omissions really which was great and all the characters were excellent as was the CGI. I have to admit to being surprised by the ending, but that was only because the story stuck so close to the book all the way through so I'd expected the same ending. I loved the film and really hope that they make the second (and eventually third) parts. Definitely one to add to my collection when it comes out on dvd, and Lynne and I both agreed we'd be more than happy to go and see the film again.
The rest of the day was taken up with shopping and eating. We walked round Bluewater about 4 or 5 times stopping for the odd cup of tea, ice cream, cake and sandwiches and finally ended up in De:Alto for dinner.
A great day but now I'm shattered!
I see that Alan Rickman has been placed at number 83 in Empire magazine's 100 sexiest movie stars list. Nice to see him in there. They say "All the girls love a bad boy and no one does bad better than Alan Rickman. It’s the voice that does it, that and a commanding screen presence. Such is his ability to give good evil that he even makes the oily Professor Severus Snape somehow attractive". How very true! No sign of Kiefer alas, but I guess he's more a TV star these days. Interestingly top male was Daniel Craig at No. 3, while the top two places were taken by Natalie Portman (2) and Angelina Jolie (1).
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Christmas Is Definitely Coming!
Yep it's official! The Christmas tree is up, the advent calendar is being devoured, the Cranberry Chutney candle has made an appearance, the 2008 Lord of the Rings calendar is on its way from Amazon and I've finally managed to get my arse in gear and make some Christmas cards. Admittedly not many - 18 to be precise (at least that's the Sinners sorted), but it's a start. Hopefully more to follow in a few days if I can decide what to do.
Now is the time for the buying of presents and fortunately for me this year Jo's got her act together and got it all sorted. Thanks Jo! I do still have some shopping to do, but nowhere near as much as usual and I think Royal Mail will be rather pleased about that - they can probably lay off a couple of people with this year's purchases compared to the amount I usually have delivered at this time of year *LOL*
Tomorrow Lynne and I are going to Bluewater for our annual Christmas shopping/cinema/meal day. I was hoping Mrs H3 would be coming along too, but it looks like she might have to work, poor thing. So this year's film is 'The Golden Compass' which I've been waiting to see for ages (next year's will be 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' - nothing like planning ahead eh?) Hopefully should be an excellent although tiring day as usual.
However Mrs H3 and I do have tickets to see I am Kloot on 18th December at 93 Feet East and I'm really excited. The more I hear them, the more I love their work - just my sort of thing, depression and love songs - perfect! Check out this fab video for one of their singles which stars the lovely Christopher Ecclestone. How this lot aren't massive I've no idea - their song writing is sublime.
Now is the time for the buying of presents and fortunately for me this year Jo's got her act together and got it all sorted. Thanks Jo! I do still have some shopping to do, but nowhere near as much as usual and I think Royal Mail will be rather pleased about that - they can probably lay off a couple of people with this year's purchases compared to the amount I usually have delivered at this time of year *LOL*
Tomorrow Lynne and I are going to Bluewater for our annual Christmas shopping/cinema/meal day. I was hoping Mrs H3 would be coming along too, but it looks like she might have to work, poor thing. So this year's film is 'The Golden Compass' which I've been waiting to see for ages (next year's will be 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' - nothing like planning ahead eh?) Hopefully should be an excellent although tiring day as usual.
However Mrs H3 and I do have tickets to see I am Kloot on 18th December at 93 Feet East and I'm really excited. The more I hear them, the more I love their work - just my sort of thing, depression and love songs - perfect! Check out this fab video for one of their singles which stars the lovely Christopher Ecclestone. How this lot aren't massive I've no idea - their song writing is sublime.
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