Okay yes I admit it I’m mad!
I’m just about to head off to Nottingham for the I Am Kloot concert at the Rescue Rooms. Sorry but withdrawal symptoms coupled with rumours that apart from an appearance at a festival in Holland at the end of August along with Babyshambles (which interestingly clashes with a festival that Gary Numan is headlining that same day) they aren’t likely to be touring until October meant that I just had to make the effort to go. I’ve managed to find the cheapest and probably dodgiest hotel room in the world so I don’t have to make the journey straight back after the show.
Am I obsessed with the band? Maybe, but at least it’s getting me out and I get to hear great live music. Oh and it’s going to be my final attempt to acquire the Ferraby Lionheart CD too!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
And I'd Like To Thank ...
As if there was ever any doubt (did I mention I was competitive) the Drama Queens headed by my dear mate Amanda were crowned the champions of the UKS cybercrop last night.
It was close, but not that close - yep we thrashed those other teams, Musical Melodies, Comedy Kings and the Lovey Doves.
Final scores:
Drama Queens = 30560
Musical Melodie = 29690
Comedy Kings = 27970
Lovey Doves = 27190
Well done to all my fellow Drama Queens without whom ...
It was close, but not that close - yep we thrashed those other teams, Musical Melodies, Comedy Kings and the Lovey Doves.
Final scores:
Drama Queens = 30560
Musical Melodie = 29690
Comedy Kings = 27970
Lovey Doves = 27190
Well done to all my fellow Drama Queens without whom ...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
UKS Cybercrop Final Day
So here I am posting my final layouts of the cybercrop. Unfortunately work once again intrudes in the creative process and I have finish early.
At the final tally I managed 8 layouts – 5 challenges and 3 classes.
Challenge 1 – Blank Cheque – to use only plain papers:

Challenge 5 – All Inspired – A layout based on one of a choice of film titles – of course I chose the obvious ‘All I Desire’ and I think it’s fairly obvious who I chose as my subject for that particular layout!

Challenge 7 – Oscarlicious – A layout in the classic black and gold of Oscar. Another Kiefer layout as the colour scheme didn’t fit with Jo’s wedding pics. Still who’s complaining?

Challenge 9 – Ladies Night – A layout showing something glamorous. And what could be more glamorous than my sister in her wedding dress?

Class 5 – Up Close and Personal by Claire – The original was done in black and white, but I love this pic of Jo and so it was the perfect substitute.
So in the final tally I managed 290 points and some great layouts! Now I just need to wait and find out if the Drama Queens won the crop.
Day 3 Cybercrop Points = 290
Kiefer Sutherland,
ULS cybercrop,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
UKS Oscars Cybercrop Day 2

Okay so it’s the end of day 2 of the UKS Oscars cybercrop.
Have to admit to having not been very productive yesterday evening mainly due to having to install Office 2007 and then get to know how to use it before I could do anything – it’s weird compared to all previous versions of the programme, but I’m loving it so far. Also the first few classes weren’t really my sort of thing as a digiscrapper – the first was to decorate a manikin and then do a mini book for it to hold, then there was a challenge to make embellishments etc. However, this evening I’ve got into my stride and managed to accumulate 130 points for the Drama Queens.
Now I know they say the point of the cybercrop isn’t to get points it’s to have fun and do decent layout’s (and to that end they’ve hidden the score and they won’t be announced until the crop is finished – please let us see the running total Scrappybunny *beg beg*), but as we all know - for me points are the thing. They are the thing that actually get me scrapping. Let’s face it I didn’t even get round to looking at the classes for the last one which had no points attached to it and neither did several of my sinner mates.
Of course I’ve made it difficult for myself (why not eh?) because with the exception of one layout I am expecting the rest will be of Jo and Paul’s wedding and so I’m having to adapt the classes to fit the colour scheme that I’ve been using for them.
So far I have managed 2 classes and 1 challenge, although I’m anticipating completing a few more before I go to bed (after all I haven’t done my traditional cybercrop Kiefer layout yet).
So here’s what I’ve done as of 11pm tonight:
Class: The Colour Purple by Beckie – this class used lush velvet papers etc.

Class: The Stuntman by Sarah – how not to be afraid of white space it said on the blurb!

Challenge: Media Mogul – a layout based on a movie poster. I used the one for Pride & Prejudice (shown below)

So I’m off to read back through the challenges and see what else I can do easily otherwise I might be making a start on my Kiefer layout.
Day Two: Cybercrop Points = 130
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Scrapbooking, Photography and More
So tomorrow is the start of the Oscars cybercrop on UKS. Although I meant to get more involved in the run up this time I haven't had a chance but I am certainly hoping to get something done over the weekend - hopefully a few more layouts of Jo's wedding.
Tomorrow is also the start of Shimelle's new photography course 'All Systems Go'. The idea is that every 25th of the month for the next year you spend all day taking photos wherever and whatever you're doing. Jo told me about the course as she'd heard about it on a photography course that she's doing called 'Painting with Light'. I've decided that I shall give it a go - after all it's only the commitment of 12 days out of my next year. You never know it might even improve my photography
Anyway here's a reminder that Shimelle's given us

Tomorrow is also the start of Shimelle's new photography course 'All Systems Go'. The idea is that every 25th of the month for the next year you spend all day taking photos wherever and whatever you're doing. Jo told me about the course as she'd heard about it on a photography course that she's doing called 'Painting with Light'. I've decided that I shall give it a go - after all it's only the commitment of 12 days out of my next year. You never know it might even improve my photography
Anyway here's a reminder that Shimelle's given us

If anyone else wants to join in then check it out here. Oh and it's free to join in so no reason not to give it a go!
Guilt is a Terrible Thing
I am so not a criminal. Or at least I should say I don’t have the mentality of a criminal. As you know Mrs H3 and I were on the guest list for Tuesday’s I Am Kloot gig at Koko as we’d agreed to collect e-mail addresses for the band’s newsletter. The premise was simple, turn up before the bands come on, collect a clipboard, paper and pen from the merchandise desk, harass a few unsuspecting lurking students and then settle back to enjoy Ferraby (not Mrs H3 obviously) and the awesome I Am Kloot. Great in theory, in practice not quite so simple.
For starters when we arrived at about 7.45pm (bear in mind Ferraby wasn’t going on stage till 8.30pm so this is how serious I was about doing the job properly) the merchandise desk was closed so we didn’t even spot where it was. After searching the whole of Koko for something that looked like the merchandise desk or anything to do with IAK we finally asked a security guard. He directed us back out to the entrance where we found the desk – still closed.
So back into the theatre where we found a fabulous spot, for once not right down the front by the stage but up in the balcony next to the sound desk. Unfortunately, I start to feel guilty about not having collected e-mail names and eventually get so fretful that we have to go back to the merchandising desk. It’s still closed and still no sign of anyone. We are lucky that we manage to get our space back. Now of course anyone else would give up at this point and just enjoy the evening, but not me. Another two times we visit the merchandising desk only to find that it’s still closed and still no one around. Of course by this time Ferraby has come on and we’ve lost our space. Mrs H3 is taller than me so she can still see the stage and spots Pete to whom she gives a huge wolf whistle before he runs off again. I tell her she’s scared the poor man away. *LOL*
Finally I Am Kloot come on and our good spot on the balcony is no longer so because loads have people are now in front of us (yep my fault totally for getting wiggy about this collecting lark again) but we can’t go downstairs because it’s absolutely packed (hurrah finally a mega crowd for Kloot – and better still most of them obviously appreciated the music big time) as Mrs H3 gets a bit freaked in close spaces.
Then to really cheer me up I’ve got three dickheads next to me who don’t stop chatting all the way through the set about … well just about anything but the music. Eventually I realise that I either have to move or I’m going to end up being thrown out when I thump them. As I can’t see the band from where I am anyway I move back to leaning against the wall seat and listen to the concert in peace without the added inane chatter. Every so often someone moves slightly and I catch a glimpse of Johnny through the bars of the balcony but it’s not much compensation.
Kloot (who for the first time ever have gone on stage dead on time at 9.30pm) are every bit as good as at Brighton, although the sound is different because of the different type of venue – not so rocky but with the fantastic acoustics in the place they sound great. But Johnny’s voice is on its way out again. It has grown considerably croakier since last week however he still manages to sing ‘Fingerprints’ (which is my current favourite, having overtaken ‘Dark Star’ with this performance) beautifully – and yes he does just about manage the high notes in ‘To You’ too although it’s clear that it’s a bit of a struggle.
As much as I hate to say it I hope that once the tour finishes he has a good long rest to recover his vocal chords (although obviously I’ll be pining at not seeing him – after all I’m already getting withdrawal symptoms and it’s only been 2 days!)
By the end of the concert I’ve finally managed to find a spot to see the band clearly and manage a full 30 seconds of the last song before they go offstage.
So time to leave and yep, I’m still feeling guilty about not having done my job but guess what – the merchandise desk is still closed on the way out, a shame as I wanted to buy the Ferraby Lionheart CD. Mrs H3 thinks it’s really funny that I feel so guilty about such a little thing. But I can’t help it.
As you can tell I’m still feeling a bit guilty about it hence the confession on here, but really we did try our hardest to do the job – it’s not our fault the merchandise desk was closed or that there was no sign of anyone vaguely IAK related around!
So for us the IAK tour is finished, although I would have to admit to having seriously considered going to Nottingham next Wednesday (unfortunately my Sat Nav tells me it’s a 3 hour drive which would make it a bit tight for seeing the band assuming they go on stage on time). Of course I’m sure I’ll do the sensible thing and not go, but it could be months before I get to see them again …
For starters when we arrived at about 7.45pm (bear in mind Ferraby wasn’t going on stage till 8.30pm so this is how serious I was about doing the job properly) the merchandise desk was closed so we didn’t even spot where it was. After searching the whole of Koko for something that looked like the merchandise desk or anything to do with IAK we finally asked a security guard. He directed us back out to the entrance where we found the desk – still closed.
So back into the theatre where we found a fabulous spot, for once not right down the front by the stage but up in the balcony next to the sound desk. Unfortunately, I start to feel guilty about not having collected e-mail names and eventually get so fretful that we have to go back to the merchandising desk. It’s still closed and still no sign of anyone. We are lucky that we manage to get our space back. Now of course anyone else would give up at this point and just enjoy the evening, but not me. Another two times we visit the merchandising desk only to find that it’s still closed and still no one around. Of course by this time Ferraby has come on and we’ve lost our space. Mrs H3 is taller than me so she can still see the stage and spots Pete to whom she gives a huge wolf whistle before he runs off again. I tell her she’s scared the poor man away. *LOL*
Finally I Am Kloot come on and our good spot on the balcony is no longer so because loads have people are now in front of us (yep my fault totally for getting wiggy about this collecting lark again) but we can’t go downstairs because it’s absolutely packed (hurrah finally a mega crowd for Kloot – and better still most of them obviously appreciated the music big time) as Mrs H3 gets a bit freaked in close spaces.
Then to really cheer me up I’ve got three dickheads next to me who don’t stop chatting all the way through the set about … well just about anything but the music. Eventually I realise that I either have to move or I’m going to end up being thrown out when I thump them. As I can’t see the band from where I am anyway I move back to leaning against the wall seat and listen to the concert in peace without the added inane chatter. Every so often someone moves slightly and I catch a glimpse of Johnny through the bars of the balcony but it’s not much compensation.
Kloot (who for the first time ever have gone on stage dead on time at 9.30pm) are every bit as good as at Brighton, although the sound is different because of the different type of venue – not so rocky but with the fantastic acoustics in the place they sound great. But Johnny’s voice is on its way out again. It has grown considerably croakier since last week however he still manages to sing ‘Fingerprints’ (which is my current favourite, having overtaken ‘Dark Star’ with this performance) beautifully – and yes he does just about manage the high notes in ‘To You’ too although it’s clear that it’s a bit of a struggle.
As much as I hate to say it I hope that once the tour finishes he has a good long rest to recover his vocal chords (although obviously I’ll be pining at not seeing him – after all I’m already getting withdrawal symptoms and it’s only been 2 days!)
By the end of the concert I’ve finally managed to find a spot to see the band clearly and manage a full 30 seconds of the last song before they go offstage.
So time to leave and yep, I’m still feeling guilty about not having done my job but guess what – the merchandise desk is still closed on the way out, a shame as I wanted to buy the Ferraby Lionheart CD. Mrs H3 thinks it’s really funny that I feel so guilty about such a little thing. But I can’t help it.
As you can tell I’m still feeling a bit guilty about it hence the confession on here, but really we did try our hardest to do the job – it’s not our fault the merchandise desk was closed or that there was no sign of anyone vaguely IAK related around!
So for us the IAK tour is finished, although I would have to admit to having seriously considered going to Nottingham next Wednesday (unfortunately my Sat Nav tells me it’s a 3 hour drive which would make it a bit tight for seeing the band assuming they go on stage on time). Of course I’m sure I’ll do the sensible thing and not go, but it could be months before I get to see them again …
Friday, April 18, 2008
These are my friends, see how they glisten
“There was a barber and his wife …”
It’s arrived! Yep Sweeney Todd is in my DVD player even as I write. I am sure you can imagine the excitement I’m feeling at seeing it again. After all it’s been just over two months since I last saw it (blimey doesn’t time fly!) although of course I have listened to the soundtrack rather a lot since then. All together now “It’s priest. Have a little priest …”
I have to mention the I Am Kloot concert on Tuesday, which was completely fantastic. Now I know I always say that but they really were on excellent form. Heavier than usual too which made a nice change. I noticed that Johnny changed the words to every one of the old songs in some way and several of them were played differently which was nice, but he’s keeping the ones from Moolah Rouge the same at the moment – probably a good move when they’re touring to promote the album. I was a bit disappointed that some of my favourite tracks from the new album weren’t played but as any Kloot track is a great track it was all good. Roll on next Tuesday when we get to do it all again!
IAK had a support act this time, the fabulously named Ferraby Lionheart (yep you heard it right) and I rather liked him. Mrs H3 very definitely didn’t. A solo singer-songwriter in the vein of David Mead he was right up my street although I was finding the chatting of the crowd through his set very off-putting, so I don’t know how he must have felt, poor man. I can see his album “Catch the Brass Ring” heading my way very shortly (probably next Tuesday to be precise), although I’m guessing Mrs H3 won’t want a copy.
It’s arrived! Yep Sweeney Todd is in my DVD player even as I write. I am sure you can imagine the excitement I’m feeling at seeing it again. After all it’s been just over two months since I last saw it (blimey doesn’t time fly!) although of course I have listened to the soundtrack rather a lot since then. All together now “It’s priest. Have a little priest …”
I have to mention the I Am Kloot concert on Tuesday, which was completely fantastic. Now I know I always say that but they really were on excellent form. Heavier than usual too which made a nice change. I noticed that Johnny changed the words to every one of the old songs in some way and several of them were played differently which was nice, but he’s keeping the ones from Moolah Rouge the same at the moment – probably a good move when they’re touring to promote the album. I was a bit disappointed that some of my favourite tracks from the new album weren’t played but as any Kloot track is a great track it was all good. Roll on next Tuesday when we get to do it all again!
IAK had a support act this time, the fabulously named Ferraby Lionheart (yep you heard it right) and I rather liked him. Mrs H3 very definitely didn’t. A solo singer-songwriter in the vein of David Mead he was right up my street although I was finding the chatting of the crowd through his set very off-putting, so I don’t know how he must have felt, poor man. I can see his album “Catch the Brass Ring” heading my way very shortly (probably next Tuesday to be precise), although I’m guessing Mrs H3 won’t want a copy.
Ferraby Lionheart,
I Am Kloot,
Sweeney Todd
Monday, April 14, 2008
Back to Normal ... Well as Normal as I ever get!
So I’m back at work, somewhere I was desperate to be last week when the course got a little overwhelming (the second week is definitely NOT the easiest) but where I really don't want to be now. All the problems I had before I went away are still here (and then some) and now there’s a MASSIVE pile of work to be done too.
As I said the second week of the course was incredibly hard and the volume of information required is huge. Unfortunately I think I did even worse in the exam than I did the first week (complete inability to answer the big 20 point question not helping too much there). And so it’s all over with the exception of the small matter of the workplace risk assessment and the 750 word report that I have to complete and return to the course centre by next Wednesday (no pressure at all then!) After that it’s just a case of waiting until 20th June to see how many of the modules I’ll have to resit. Of course if by some fluke I do happen to pass the whole thing maybe I’ll have to go on and do the Oxford Brookes Diploma *LOL*
While I was away Duran Duran announced their European tour and more specifically the London concert date at the O2 (3rd July for anyone who may be interested). Fortunately although they tried hard to make it impossible for me to get the fan club tickets I did manage to do so, although at an extortionate price (just how do Ticketmaster justify charging £6.75 per ticket as a booking charge? It’s completely outrageous!) This has gone some way to cheering Mrs H3 and I up as we had finally managed to get tickets for Pete Doherty’s gig at the Royal Albert Hall just before he was sent to prison and so were a little disheartened at the loss of that concert.
Of course we still have I Am Kloot to look forward to, the first concert being tomorrow night at Komedia in Brighton. The new album ‘I Am Kloot Play Moolah Rouge’ seems to be generating some good press, with both The Sun and The Evening Standard giving it 4 stars and Elbow’s lead singer Guy Garvey praising them from the rooftops wherever he can. I suspect that Mrs H3 is a tad fed up with them, but she’s far too nice to make me go to the concerts on my own and I keep hoping that with enough exposure she’ll eventually realise what a truly awesome band they are even if they’re never going to be as famous as I want them to be. At least they don't cost a squillion pounds to go and see (although there’s still a ruddy booking fee) and we’re on the guest list for the Koko gig as I’ve agreed to do a little name collecting for the newsletter. So if you see me there do say hi. I don’t bite … well not much!
The thing I had been looking forward to most about getting home was watching my brand spanking new DVD of Sweeney Todd which I was sure was going to be waiting on the doormat for me. Imagine then my extreme disappointment to find that not only had it not arrived, but it hasn't even been sent yet. Although it was released in the US on 1st April it appears that Play.com haven't yet got their supplies of the film. I’m gutted as I would have expected to have watched it at least once by now and am seriously considering buying it from elsewhere.
There’s a couple of films I might have to make the effort to see over the next few weeks. First of all there’s the quirky ‘Son of Rambow’ which appeals to me for some unspecified reason that I can't quite work out. Also ‘The Oxford Murders’ starring John Hurt and Elijah Wood as it’s one of those murder-mystery ancient clue solving films that I so love. Perhaps I’ll go and see that when I should have been seeing Pete D.
As I said the second week of the course was incredibly hard and the volume of information required is huge. Unfortunately I think I did even worse in the exam than I did the first week (complete inability to answer the big 20 point question not helping too much there). And so it’s all over with the exception of the small matter of the workplace risk assessment and the 750 word report that I have to complete and return to the course centre by next Wednesday (no pressure at all then!) After that it’s just a case of waiting until 20th June to see how many of the modules I’ll have to resit. Of course if by some fluke I do happen to pass the whole thing maybe I’ll have to go on and do the Oxford Brookes Diploma *LOL*
While I was away Duran Duran announced their European tour and more specifically the London concert date at the O2 (3rd July for anyone who may be interested). Fortunately although they tried hard to make it impossible for me to get the fan club tickets I did manage to do so, although at an extortionate price (just how do Ticketmaster justify charging £6.75 per ticket as a booking charge? It’s completely outrageous!) This has gone some way to cheering Mrs H3 and I up as we had finally managed to get tickets for Pete Doherty’s gig at the Royal Albert Hall just before he was sent to prison and so were a little disheartened at the loss of that concert.
Of course we still have I Am Kloot to look forward to, the first concert being tomorrow night at Komedia in Brighton. The new album ‘I Am Kloot Play Moolah Rouge’ seems to be generating some good press, with both The Sun and The Evening Standard giving it 4 stars and Elbow’s lead singer Guy Garvey praising them from the rooftops wherever he can. I suspect that Mrs H3 is a tad fed up with them, but she’s far too nice to make me go to the concerts on my own and I keep hoping that with enough exposure she’ll eventually realise what a truly awesome band they are even if they’re never going to be as famous as I want them to be. At least they don't cost a squillion pounds to go and see (although there’s still a ruddy booking fee) and we’re on the guest list for the Koko gig as I’ve agreed to do a little name collecting for the newsletter. So if you see me there do say hi. I don’t bite … well not much!
The thing I had been looking forward to most about getting home was watching my brand spanking new DVD of Sweeney Todd which I was sure was going to be waiting on the doormat for me. Imagine then my extreme disappointment to find that not only had it not arrived, but it hasn't even been sent yet. Although it was released in the US on 1st April it appears that Play.com haven't yet got their supplies of the film. I’m gutted as I would have expected to have watched it at least once by now and am seriously considering buying it from elsewhere.
There’s a couple of films I might have to make the effort to see over the next few weeks. First of all there’s the quirky ‘Son of Rambow’ which appeals to me for some unspecified reason that I can't quite work out. Also ‘The Oxford Murders’ starring John Hurt and Elijah Wood as it’s one of those murder-mystery ancient clue solving films that I so love. Perhaps I’ll go and see that when I should have been seeing Pete D.
Duran Duran,
I Am Kloot,
Moolah Rouge,
Sweeney Todd
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Snoozy Sunday
Well here I am back at Woodland Grange for the second week of my NEBOSH course. Apparently this week is easier (I certainly hope so!) Unfortunately the first exam didn't go wonderfully as I had complete brain failure - one of those cases where I completely forgot stuff that I'd been looking at only a few minutes before. Of course it's sods law that now I'm out of the exam environment I can remember the answers without a problem (isn't that always the way?) Anyway I'm sure the week will be okay even if I do end up as nervous and sick-feeling before the exam as I did last week.
I stayed just outside Leamington Spa for the weekend as I couldn't face the long journey back and forth and so Mrs H3 came to visit and we spent yesterday at Warwick Castle. It isn't a cheap day out once you start to add it all up - tickets are £18.50 each (although we were lucky that someone gave us a discount voucher which gave us 2 for 1 entry) plus another £2.75 each for the Ghosts Alive attraction (definitely worth a visit), car park is a fiver and then of course there's the cost of food and drink, not to mention all those little souvenirs one so desperately needs to buy ...
I had forgotten to mention in previous posts that Mrs H3 and I had been to the O2 bubble to see the Tutankhamun exhibition for her birthday a couple of weeks ago - which was also incredibly expensive (think almost £60 for 2 tickets including entrance to the 3D film 'Secrets of the Mummies') and to be honest it wasn't a patch on Warwick Castle. Although it was interesting to see the egyptian stuff, most of it wasn't anything to do with Tutankhamun (or two tanks as we now think of him) and disappointingly the mummy wasn't there (which we knew but was still disappointing) but worse still neither was that elaborate death mask - you know, the one everyone thinks of when thinking of egyptian grave goods ... the one that they are using on the posters to promote the exhibition (very much a rip off I thought!) The film was interesting, mainly for the 3D aspect rather than interest value. Although it did fill a couple of hours I personally wouldn't want to go again and I'm not sure I'd recommend it to anyone either.
However, Warwick Castle is a different matter. The place is brilliant and I would heartily recommend anyone who's ever in the area to go and visit. Obviously there is a big castle ... and very impressive it is too. Add to that archery, waxworks in authentically restored rooms, weaponries, fantastic birds of prey and the largest trebuchet in the world (22 tonnes) and it adds up to a cracking day out.
They cleverly schedule different things throughout the year so you could go every couple of months and not get bored. Although the weather wasn't fantastic, at turns cold, wet and then hot and sunny we both had a good day, and it was a full day too. We arrived about 11am and left about 5pm. Obviously we looked at all the displays and watched 2 of the birds of prey displays as they used different birds each time as well as taking part in the seasonal entertainment which was fairytale princesses and princes. A lot of fun for everyone involved - I just wish I had a job anywhere near as interesting as the one the people that work at the castle have ... and they get to dress up too!
Mrs H3 did take some photos which will follow at a later date when I have a chance to upload them.
I stayed just outside Leamington Spa for the weekend as I couldn't face the long journey back and forth and so Mrs H3 came to visit and we spent yesterday at Warwick Castle. It isn't a cheap day out once you start to add it all up - tickets are £18.50 each (although we were lucky that someone gave us a discount voucher which gave us 2 for 1 entry) plus another £2.75 each for the Ghosts Alive attraction (definitely worth a visit), car park is a fiver and then of course there's the cost of food and drink, not to mention all those little souvenirs one so desperately needs to buy ...
I had forgotten to mention in previous posts that Mrs H3 and I had been to the O2 bubble to see the Tutankhamun exhibition for her birthday a couple of weeks ago - which was also incredibly expensive (think almost £60 for 2 tickets including entrance to the 3D film 'Secrets of the Mummies') and to be honest it wasn't a patch on Warwick Castle. Although it was interesting to see the egyptian stuff, most of it wasn't anything to do with Tutankhamun (or two tanks as we now think of him) and disappointingly the mummy wasn't there (which we knew but was still disappointing) but worse still neither was that elaborate death mask - you know, the one everyone thinks of when thinking of egyptian grave goods ... the one that they are using on the posters to promote the exhibition (very much a rip off I thought!) The film was interesting, mainly for the 3D aspect rather than interest value. Although it did fill a couple of hours I personally wouldn't want to go again and I'm not sure I'd recommend it to anyone either.
However, Warwick Castle is a different matter. The place is brilliant and I would heartily recommend anyone who's ever in the area to go and visit. Obviously there is a big castle ... and very impressive it is too. Add to that archery, waxworks in authentically restored rooms, weaponries, fantastic birds of prey and the largest trebuchet in the world (22 tonnes) and it adds up to a cracking day out.
They cleverly schedule different things throughout the year so you could go every couple of months and not get bored. Although the weather wasn't fantastic, at turns cold, wet and then hot and sunny we both had a good day, and it was a full day too. We arrived about 11am and left about 5pm. Obviously we looked at all the displays and watched 2 of the birds of prey displays as they used different birds each time as well as taking part in the seasonal entertainment which was fairytale princesses and princes. A lot of fun for everyone involved - I just wish I had a job anywhere near as interesting as the one the people that work at the castle have ... and they get to dress up too!
Mrs H3 did take some photos which will follow at a later date when I have a chance to upload them.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Yoohooo ... it's me!
Okay, so things aren't as bad as I'd feared. The learning centre (the very plush Woodland Grange) has internet access and I haven't been completely deprived of my favourite pastime, although of course I haven't had quite the access that I normally have.
Did I mention that the course I'm doing is the NEBOSH National General Certificate? If not ... now you know!
It's been an interesting week, full of emotion and I think I'll be glad when the exam is over tomorrow and I can finally relax for a couple of days (I hope), although I'll be sad to say goodbye to a few nice people who aren't taking the second part of the course. The first day was a bit overwhelming, so much new information that it was hard to take in and I got rather despondent when I couldn't do the homework. Fortunately a nice new friend called Dave gave me his to copy ... although I did admit to Peter the tutor that I had cheated!
The second day was much better - more my area of work - law and compensation so I was relatively happy and then came yesterday.
A nightmare day full of lots of heavy duty stuff about health and safety legislation and regs followed by a mock exam!
I did absolutely dreadfully and left the classroom feeling very teary and ready to leave the course and go home. Lots of self-pitying e-mails to friends (sorry Mrs H3 and Nick especially) and rather a lot of red wine later I finally stumbled to bed still despondent but no longer crying.
Of course this morning after a chat with Peter, during which he marked my paper under exam conditions, I found that actually I had done rather better than expected and would in fact have passed that part of the exam without any problem. So of course today I am much happier and even considering doing a bit of revising this evening in readiness for tomorrow afternoon's exam.
So think of me at 1.30pm tomorrow and send me all your good vibes ... and everything you know about POPIMAR, JOI and the HASAW Act 1974!
Did I mention that the course I'm doing is the NEBOSH National General Certificate? If not ... now you know!
It's been an interesting week, full of emotion and I think I'll be glad when the exam is over tomorrow and I can finally relax for a couple of days (I hope), although I'll be sad to say goodbye to a few nice people who aren't taking the second part of the course. The first day was a bit overwhelming, so much new information that it was hard to take in and I got rather despondent when I couldn't do the homework. Fortunately a nice new friend called Dave gave me his to copy ... although I did admit to Peter the tutor that I had cheated!
The second day was much better - more my area of work - law and compensation so I was relatively happy and then came yesterday.
A nightmare day full of lots of heavy duty stuff about health and safety legislation and regs followed by a mock exam!
I did absolutely dreadfully and left the classroom feeling very teary and ready to leave the course and go home. Lots of self-pitying e-mails to friends (sorry Mrs H3 and Nick especially) and rather a lot of red wine later I finally stumbled to bed still despondent but no longer crying.
Of course this morning after a chat with Peter, during which he marked my paper under exam conditions, I found that actually I had done rather better than expected and would in fact have passed that part of the exam without any problem. So of course today I am much happier and even considering doing a bit of revising this evening in readiness for tomorrow afternoon's exam.
So think of me at 1.30pm tomorrow and send me all your good vibes ... and everything you know about POPIMAR, JOI and the HASAW Act 1974!
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