Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 7

Well it's already day 7 of my holiday - my word how times flies!

I have been expecting people to invade every day since Mum & Dad left, but so far no-one has been round, apart from Manfred to discuss my lift to the airport to meet Lynne. I have been out and about a bit, but yesterday I spent all day at home apart from the 2 walks with the dogs and today I ventured over the mountains to Albaterra in search of a bank, but to no avail. Tomorrow I am having another lazy day at home and then off to the village in the evening as the Fiesta starts and it's free beer and wine - well how could I turn that down?

Looking after the dogs has been an interesting experience and made me realise that whilst it would be lovely to own dogs, it's a huge responsibility and one I couldn't and wouldn't (at the moment at least) do. Jack is still moping around, sleeping outside mum & dad's door and looking mournful every so often, he's like a limpet with me - I even have trouble getting into the loo without him. Reba has different attitude, as long as she's being fed she doesn't really care who does it. Walks are a bit of a challenge - Reba gets so excited she bites your feet and ankles and yowls and barks and it's really beginning to annoy me - especially first thing in the morning when I've only been up for 5 minutes. Unfortunately for her I've had 40 years of being stubborn so eventually she will give in and do things the way I want them - I refused to let her off the lead this morning because she was biting and tugging at it. She also appears to hate all other dogs apart from Jack so if I see anyone else (although most people try to avoid us if possible) I have to put her on a lead and she is quite a handful - I just I don't have to really try to restrain her 'cos she's so strong I'm not sure I'd win.

My tan is coming on well considering I am staying out of the sun until after 6pm unless I am in the swimming pool. My back is beginning to peel, a casualty of not being able to put suncream or aftersun there, although today I bought a spray cream so hopefully that will help.

Off to have a late night swim in the pool ...

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