Monday, September 25, 2006

Feeling Blue

Wasn't feeling too good again this morning. This cold is still lingering, making it difficult to get a good night's sleep, although a late night drinking with a friend probably didn't help *LOL*. I finally managed to drag myself out of bed and onto a coach, unfortunately the driver was Terry and due to his impatience we ended up on a magical mystery tour of south east London - and got to work almost 1/2 hour later than I should have done as a result. Getting into work I was greeted with a letter finally informing me that I didn't get the redundancy I had been hoping for. Being honest I never expected to get it, but the thought was nice. Add to this a long and boring day at work and the fact that I have to work at the pub this evening and you can see why I am feeling a bit blue.

To make matters worse my MP3 player has a life of its own, after fully charging it up last night, when I arrived at work it had turned itself on and had apparently played 626 songs according to the counter. It then proceeded to turn up the volume to full (that came as a shock) or mute it at will, also doing its usual trick of deciding to play the first 20 seconds of a track only, although with the added bonus that it was skipping tracks completely, then going back to skipped tracks when it felt it wanted to play them. Methinks a new MP3 player is needed shortly!

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