Spent the early part of the evening trying to sort my crafting stuff. I needed to do my Discworld CJ and also had to find some bits for my cybercrop adoptee (the lovely tree_saw69 who is a RHCP nut). I ended up having to get everything out to find the bits I wanted. Of course this meant the place was a complete mess so decided I needed to get vaguely sorted (some chance) as I don't want to do my back in every time I need to find anything. My lounge is now tidy (although not immaculate - mind you I'd need a skip and to lose everything in the room for that!). And more good news the Discworld CJ is done and posted. The theme was baddies so I chose Mr Pin and Mr Tulip from 'The Truth' (picture below). I really love their characters because they are very much based on the characters Mr Croup and Mr Vandemar from 'Neverwhere' by Neil Gaiman, which is one of my favourite books. Oh yes, I signed up for a new CJ as well - a Harry Potter related one (although I'm now not sure it is HP-related).

Tomorrow night is another England football game. At the moment we are going to the pub to watch it - just hope it's a bit better than the last few games have been. Actually, it's going to be interesting as the darts team are at home tomorrow - bet they won't be pleased about the football being on!
The only grrr is that the MP3 site that I get my music from has changed it's method for visa payments. Not only does it now charge a fee (like all the other payment methods - although it's still so cheap it's worth it) it goes through a third party site, which has 3 times rejected my payment because of errors. I have sent them an e-mail telling them that I'm not happy with their new system.
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