Woohoo I’ve got a new phone. I caved and went for the new Sony Ericsson C905 that has a fabulous 8.1MP cybershot camera – perfect for pictures and videos at concerts. So far it is wonderful apart from the small problem of not being able to get the back off.
There were laughs galore on the day I got it when, after spending 20 minutes trying unsuccessfully to remove the cover (during which time I must admit I did swear rather profusely) I went to the pub for help where it then took another 7 men another hour to get it off for me. Andrea's other half Nigel was the eventually winner and I was happy in the knowledge that I was unlikely to need to undo the back again as the card slot is on the side of the phone unlike my old one. Wrong, as after spending over 2 hours(!) on the phone to TMobile trying to get my picture messaging set up, their final advice was to remove the back, take out the battery then replace.
Anyway, my pink phone, pretty as it was, was actually rather crap (no scrub that it was INCREDIBLY CRAP) – especially on the concert footage front. I am compiling a little montage of my favourite moments from concerts this year as a little quiz which I shall hopefully post here soon. The name of the game – to guess the artist and the title of the song. Obviously I shall give a few hints here and there, but it’s going to be entertaining fun for all the family.
Anyway, if I haven’t given you my new number yet I’ve obviously forgotten you. (sorry!) Give me a shout and I’ll let you have the new number.
On Friday 21st November we made our way to the Gielgud Theatre in London to see the awesomely talented Bill Bailey in Tinselworm. Little to say about this without giving away his stage show, except that it was the funniest evening we’ve had in ages. I’ve decided that BB really is the funniest man alive! Many times throughout the evening my ribs hurt and I was crying with laughter. By the time the end came, during which he showed a short film which tied up all the elements of his show, I think I’d stopped breathing from laughing so hard. It was such an enjoyable evening that we’re thinking of going again at the end of the run if we can get tickets. The core of the show will be the same, but his ad-libbing will ensure that the evening is completely different and yet still hysterically funny.
On reading Mugglenet one morning I discovered that Waterstone’s at Picadilly were holding a midnight launch party for J.K. Rowling’s Beedle the Bard on Wednesday 3rd December including a live Mugglecast podcast. Of course this was a definite for me, although Mrs H3 wasn’t quite so keen to begin with. As luck would have it the evening also contained the premiere of ‘Twilight’ at Leicester Square and the prospect of standing around in the freezing cold to catch a glimpse of the stars (Robert Pattinson, I mean of course – well for me at least) finally sold her on the idea.
So it was that we did indeed stand in the cold for two hours, and actually did manage the tiniest glimpse of RP (see the photo below for the proof). We then spent a couple of hours keeping warm in Pizza Hut before finally joining the enthusiastic (and generally rather young) Potter fans in Waterstone’s. Of course Mrs H3 and I took full advantage of the evening, first getting fine balloon crowns and then getting rather spectacular face paint. I had the somewhat unsettling experience of being filmed and interviewed by a TV reporter whilst my face was being painted. I found it hard as I didn’t have my glasses on and so couldn’t focus properly, and because I was asked questions about my age – did I feel that I fit into the demographic of the average Harry Potter reader?I was enthusiastic and positive which I think was what they wanted. Whether it was used or not I have absolutely no idea, but if you saw a woman with bright red hair and a glittery green butterfly on her face anywhere on TV, then that was me.
So finally at midnight, the book was unveiled by Albus Dumbledore and Rubeus Hagrid who gave them out to all the attendees. The first person to receive their book was a girl from Germany who had come dressed in school robes with Luna’s lion head hat, who had won the dress-up competition. Mrs H3 and I went for the opposite option and became the second to last (me) and last (her) people to receive ours. A little more schmoozing and photo opportunities with the members of Mugglecast (Matt, Jamie, Elysa and Andrew) and then we were out into the night after collecting our Beedle the Bard back pack on the way out of the door.
Of course this meant a walk through Leicester Square still in our face paint and not only did we receive the attentions of several strange men we also got offered the chance to go into many of the clubs free-of-charge. It wasn’t long before we realized that we had missed the last tube (I had parked at O2 assuming that we would be getting the Jubilee line back there) and also the last trains. This meant traversing Trafalgar Square and meeting yet more strange young men to find the night bus to Catford. (It is amazing how popular you become when you’re covered in paint!)
Once on the bus I immediately began to read my book, thinking a 45 minute journey was too good to waste. Mrs H3 chose instead to grin maniacally out the window at people and try to scare them, which I think she did pretty well. A cold walk and then a lift by Mrs H3 back to my car later and then I was on my way home. I finally got in at 3.45am where I quickly finished the final story (of course) before going to bed. Luckily I was working at home the following day - not so lucky for Mrs H3. She not only had to go to work, but had a boring citizenship ceremony to sit through. But we agreed that it had been a completely brilliant evening, and once again a real laugh.
Anyway we’ve now got our tickets booked to see ‘Twilight’ when it’s released on Friday at O2 Vue. This will be after the DS&C Christmas Party – which is shaping up to be rather an interesting afternoon. Have to admit I can’t wait to see it - and after seeing him at the premiere – even Mrs H3 admitted that Robert Pattinson is GORGEOUS.
So Thursday 20th November saw Mrs H3 and I accompanied by Stevie G, to the venerable Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone for an evening with Chas and Dave. Now you know Mrs H3 and I like a good knees up with our favourite cheeky cockney chappies and so were looking forward to a fun-filled evening.
The first shock for me was the size of the theatre. Now when I was sixteen (and yes I know it was a bloody long time ago, you don’t need to rub it in) I used to work at the Hazlitt – and I loved it. I enjoyed everything about the place, from being in the box office to working behind the scenes, helping with the costumes to sitting in the sound and lighting box, but I don’t remember it being so SMALL.
There was a pretty good crowd for the concert, but unlike the Catford crew they were a tough crowd. There was little movement, not much in the way of clapping and definitely no dancing – except from Mrs H3 and I who were at the back of the theatre anyway. Certainly WE had a good evening and of course there were the obligatory photos with the band (who are beginning to recognize our stalker qualities by now). Mrs H3 was trying to convince the boys to play a gig in her lounge, but they didn’t seem convinced. Funniest moment was collaring Mick the drummer for a photo. He had been trying to eat a Mars bar but kept being asked to do photos and autographs and was getting grumpier and grumpier. We managed to catch him just before he snapped!
I'd just like to point out that Mrs H3 named the folder for the following pictures!
So next up we have the Bootleg Beatles at O2 Indigo on 20th December. It would have been the Chas and Dave Christmas Party at Camden Palace, but Mrs H3 has a prior engagement that she can’t get out of (the works Christmas do).
I did have a small moment of excitement when I Am Kloot announced a new date on Valentine’s Day next year – but of course it’s in Manchester so Mrs H3 isn’t keen on going. I am waiting to see if they announce any other dates, but am seriously considering it as it’ll have been ten months since I last saw them by then and they are showcasing the new material that they’ve been working on which I desperately want to hear. Fingers crossed they announce some new dates further south soon, although I still like the idea of seeing IAK on Valentine’s Day.
The last time I wrote Mrs H3 and I were heading to Leeds Castle for their ‘fantastic’ firework display. Unfortunately, it wasn’t really the stunning evening that we’d been hoping for or expecting considering the tickets cost £34 for the two of us. Firstly the fireworks started at 5.30pm; not exactly a useful time when I didn’t finish work at the pub until 4pm and had some networking to do (and I mean real work-related networking not just drinking). To cap it all on the evening in question the weather was appalling. It had rained all day and was torrential by the time of the display. Mrs H3 was certainly pleased she had her wellies – me I was in Converses which aren’t exactly known for their water-repellent qualities. Unluckily I didn’t have a waterproof coat either and was therefore dressed in a wool cape with fur around the cuffs and hood, pretty but definitely not functional in a monsoon. In fact at one point I was seriously upset that I hadn’t thought to bring a black bin liner as that would definitely have been more waterproof than what I was wearing! Mrs H3 did (apparently) have a waterproof jacket, but it leaked so badly she may as well not have worn it. I was wearing my Slytherin scarf though, which was a good thing as by that time my nasty cold had turned into a serious chest infection for which I was taking antibiotics and using an asthma puffer regularly and at least I managed to keep reasonably warm even as I got soaked to the skin.
The display took place over the top of the castle and was supposed to be an impressive mix of fireworks and lasers. Unfortunately, the low cloud meant the lasers were almost invisible and the driving rain – which as luck would have it was coming directly into our faces from the castle obscured the view of the fireworks especially when my glasses got completely soaked. The only point in its favour (considering the weather - although had the evening been fine it would have been an even worse point) was that it was short. We arrived in our watching spot five minutes before the display started (at exactly 5.30pm) and even taking into account walking back to the car and queuing to get out we were back in the Sherwood Oak by 6.45pm. Yep that was it – 1 hour and 15 minutes in total door to door – definitely NOT worth the money, even if there had been no cloud.
So considerably poorer we spent the evening thawing out in the pub, which although a tad frustrating considering the money we’d already spent turned out to be rather more entertaining than originally anticipated. Mrs H3’s red wellies garnered considerable interest from several patrons and eventually by the end of the evening we, with the admirable help of Neil had talked Chris (who may or may not have been very drunk) into drinking a pint of Kronenberg from one of them (I’d just like to point out that Mrs H3 DID have spare boots available).
Below is the video (totally rubbish quality as it was taken on my crap phone camera) of the whole event. To be honest we didn’t expect him to drink the whole pint – a few mouthfuls would have done, but he was obviously enjoying himself, so kudos for that.
Okay so I was out of action for the whole of November, although I have to admit I didn’t do much novel writing, even with my hero Philip Pullman and the wonderful Piers Anthony (among others) giving me encouragement along the way. To be honest with only a couple of days to cobble together a plot I was never going to be onto a winner. Time now to get ready for next year’s event and then it’ll be a cinch!
So if you haven’t been busy writing, what the hell have you been up to? I can hear you asking. And it’s a good question. To be honest the answer is a bit of this and a bit of that. I think I’m going to split my news into several posts as I have loads to write about and loads of fantastic pictures to upload, otherwise this will be the longest blog post in the history of the world.
Firstly, and most importantly for my current mood there’s been a huge change around at work, with our Department being revised and renamed (farewell to Claims - but not to the work!), the section I work in being disbanded (hello to Peter and the Safety section) and my lovely boss Nick leaving on early retirement *sob* which has left me working for someone with whom I have somewhat of a problem (a slight understatement), something that has caused me a considerable amount of stress over the last month. I am hoping steps are being taken to sort the situation before I end up having a nervous breakdown – although said lovely boss predicted that it would be about a month before the doctor signed me off and almost everyone I’ve spoken to has told me I’m being harassed and need to go and see Welfare about it. My sleep patterns (never great anyway) are completely shot and I’m dreaming about the boss in question, which definitely isn’t a good sign. With the streamlining I’ve acquired a whole new set of tasks including attending meetings in the middle of nowhere (okay Whale Island, Portsmouth to be precise so far) and so I’ve now got the stress of travelling to add to all the other stresses of my life. Interesting to see how things fare in the next month or so. Looking on the bright side I only actually have another 4 days in the office, what with leaving do’s and Christmas parties and such so I expect I can survive somehow. I’ll also have 8 days of my advent calendar to open tomorrow – 8 pieces of Thornton’s chocolates should go a long way to improving my mood even if I do have another stultifyingly frustrating meeting to attend in the morning.
So onto the exciting stuff – the things I (and Mrs H3 naturally) have been up to in the last month. It’s been fun and almost makes up for the fact that Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince wasn’t released on the 21st as it should have been. Hey look at the countdown – only another 220 days before the film’s out (and 12 days till Twilight – although the release date clashes with the Christmas party).
Oh yes and while I remember on what should have been release day (or was it the day before?) just to tease a bit more WB released a new trailer. Lots of new stuff which had me spending the first one and a half minutes screaming where's Snape? and then the last twenty three seconds squeeing excitedly at how they seem to have actually got it right for once.Obviously we won't know for sure until the film is released, and of course there won't be anywhere near enough Snape action (as there never is) but if the "fight back you coward" is in the right place then I'll be a happy girl.
So I should be busy writing my novel but I’m not. Instead I’m having a quick catch up on here. Last Friday there was a Halloween fancy dress party in the Sherwood Oak and Mrs H3 and I both dressed up (of course), along with a few other brave souls. It was an excellent evening and the photos are below.
I had bought the most fantastic witches’ hat from M&S and built the costume around that, as you can see Mrs H3’s costume was mainly the most fantastic red patent leather DM boots and a rather bouncy tutu.
So it’s Bonfire Night and all around I can hear the bangs of fireworks, although I can’t actually see anything. I love fireworks but I can’t be bothered to leave the house tonight to try and see them as it’s too cold out there and I’m still full of this horrid cold that I’ve had since last weekend. Instead we are going to Leeds Castle on Saturday evening for their ‘Legend of Excalibur’ display. Mrs H3 is excited ‘cos she gets to wear her wellies, I’m excited as I get to wear my Slytherin scarf – I’m not sure which of us is the sadder! LOL
I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had got tickets for Elbow at Wembley. Since then they’ve announced a full tour (I get a feeling that Elbow are a bit like I Am Kloot on the touring front i.e. they don’t really stop) and the first night is at the Brighton Dome (Wembley is the final night) so we’ve got tickets for that too. Am very excited at this but also hoping IAK are going to tour the UK early next year ‘cos I’ll be going frantic by then as it’s been almost 7 months now since I last saw them live (and watching them on the internet doesn’t count however good they were!)
So I suppose I should get back to the novel. Jonathan Stroud (author of the wonderful Bartimaeus Trilogy) has sent me (and everyone else taking part in NaNoWriMo) an e-mail containing a pep talk and some advice for getting the story written and sticking to deadlines. I’m really behind now as I haven’t written anything on it since Sunday but I’m sure once I get to grips with the plotline I’m thinking about at the moment I’ll have loads to write about.
Okay so I think I may have done the dumbest thing I’ve ever thought of in my life – I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo.
For those of you who haven’t got a clue what that is it’s the National Novel Writing Month. This wonderful (and let’s face it somewhat crazy) idea takes place in November every year and the idea is for participants to write an original fiction novel of 50,000 words or more between the first and last day of the month.
Now I’ve written a bit of stuff here and there, blogged a bit and I talk a good game but an original full length novel? Not something I’d ever really seriously considered, but then late night (and quite probably drunken) discussions with various online friends made me think it could be achievable.
After all how hard could it be? We’re not talking Booker Prize winning material here and as the site is quick to point out we’re not talking final draft material either. What you should end up with is a solid first draft which is enough to be proud of completing and the basis of something that might just conceivably be publishable someday; even if only online. You also get the accolade of being a winner on the site and get a certificate to say so.
Now of course to write a story you need to have a plot and I do have one – sort of. To be honest it’s a little vague (actually more than a little), but I do know that currently the story will be seventeen chapters which means the chapters need to be around 2,942 words each. This also means that I need to write 1,667 words a day to get the thing finished by 30th November. This seemed like an easy enough task until I sat down on Saturday with my admittedly not very well head on and tried to begin writing it.
1,667 words a day with characters you recognize for something like fanfic is simple, trying to come up with that number of words for an original story when you have no real idea of characters or plot is almost impossible.
Now I have been hampered this weekend by being ill, but I am pleased to report that I was on target with 3,362 words written by the end of Sunday evening, although working at the pub tonight has put me behind.
To be honest I have no idea why I’m doing this except that it’s a challenge and it makes a change from sitting around doing nothing productive in the evenings (oh yeah don't expect a handmade Christmas card this year as I haven't even started them).
Am I mad? Probably, but then I can't help feeling that for this competition being mad probably helps!
Interestingly, this blog entry, which is of course diverting me from valuable writing time, has used up 507 words and took me about ten minutes to write. See it's easy when you don't have a plot or characters to think about!
Blimey it’s been ages since I last updated, I hadn't realized it had been so long!
My visit to Spain was exactly what I wanted it to be, relaxing and a good chance to catch up with my parents. I was lucky enough to have lovely weather and even managed to go swimming, although it rained on the last day – but by then the decent weather had transferred to the UK so I got another few nice days when I got back. Haven’t had a chance to see ‘Mirrors’ yet, although we did see ‘Tropic Thunder’ again as Steve wanted to see it. I’m hoping that maybe this weekend I’ll get to see it (assuming it’s still showing), although Friday night is Halloween Fancy Dress party night at the Sherwood Oak (expect lots of photos as Mrs H3 and I are dressing up) and I’ve been invited to a party on Saturday.
Mrs H3 and I went to see Chas & Dave at Catford Broadway Theatre on 18th October for an enjoyable and entertaining evening and were lucky enough to meet them after the performance as you can see from the photos below. We promised to go and see them again when they play Maidstone next month so we've asked a few other likeminded individuals to come too so hoping to get a bit of a crowd together for the gig at the Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone on 20th November.
We’ve added another couple of panto’s to the schedule – Aladdin at Tunbridge Wells (18th December) starring Christopher Ellison from ‘The Bill’ and Mother Goose at the Oasthouse Theatre, Rainham (23rd January) which my friend Jen is in.
Although ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’ is still 260 days away (although that’s much better than the 333 it started at) Warner Brothers seem to have released a new trailer. Completely different from the teaser trailer it shows Ron and Lavender, Romilda Vane and the attack on the Burrow, as well as the cave and what appears to be Dumbledore’s damaged hand and a lovely closing scene featuring Hermione and Harry.
As I’m off to Spain on Sunday and might not get round to updating again till who knows when, I thought I’d have a general round up on the things I’m looking forward to in the next couple of months.
-- Movies --
At the moment I'm considering going to see 'Brideshead Revisited', although I love the 1981 TV series with Anthony Andrews and Jeremy Irons so much that I'm a little worried I'll be disappointed with the film, just as I was with 'Pride and Prejudice'. I suspect though that the next film will be Kiefer's 'Mirrors' which is now out on 10th October instead of this week as originally scheduled (sorry Mrs H3, apparently it really is scary).
The good news is that 'Twilight' has finally been brought forward. Unfortunately not to the spot vacated by Half Blood Prince as I was hoping, but to 19th December (the same day as my work's Christmas party - guess which one I'll be going to!)
So now I’m focussing on possible upcoming movies. The one I really want to see is ‘Good’ starring Viggo Mortensen, Jason Isaacs and Mark Strong but as yet there’s no release date for it in the UK. I just hope it isn't going to go the way of ‘Bottle Shock’ and ‘Nobel Son’, the Alan Rickman films I’m still waiting to see (now released (or just about) in the US but still with no sign of a release date over here – I guess they are going to be another ‘Search for John Gissing’ or ‘Snow Cake’). Other than that there seems to be a dearth of movies until the new Star Trek film which isn’t slated to be out till next May after being delayed.
And look! Only 288 days to go now till the release of Half Blood Prince - the time's just flying by isn't it?
-- Music --
Well still no sign of that philanthropist giving me free tickets for the Roundhouse next weekend *sigh* but Elbow’s new found fame from winning the Mercury Prize has apparently launched them into the big time and they are doing a show at Wembley Arena (yep, really) on 14th March 2009. Not wanting to miss out this time I’ve already bought our tickets!
And I’m seriously considering Johnny Bramwell at Night and Day on 27th November. Of course I was anyway, but news on the IAK board that he’ll be doing a 90 minute set including NEW songs is more than enough to have me champing at the bit to go. All I need to do now is work out the logistics (and cost of course) of getting to Manchester.
Other than that there are two more concerts planned so far for this year – Chas and Dave (yep those perennial favourites) at the Catford Broadway Theatre on 18th October and the Bootleg Beatles (who I last saw at Glastonbury in 1994 and completely stole the weekend) at the O2 Indigo on 20th December.
-- Panto --
It’s soon going to be that time of year again (…oh no it isn’t; oh yes it is!) and so to get in the Christmassy spirit Mrs H3 and I decided that after the excitement of last year’s Peter Pan with Paul Michael Glaser we’d take in a panto or four this year. It was a matter of making some tough decisions (there was NO way I was going to see Joe Pasquale in Dartford) but finally our panto season looks like this:
29th November – Jack and the Beanstalk (Maidstone) 6th December – Cinderella (Bromley) 13th December – Peter Pan (Croydon) 3rd January – Snow White (Catford)
Among the ‘stars’ we’ll be seeing this year are Brian Blessed (yay, we love BB!), Steve Guttenberg, Antonio Fargas and Helen Lederer.
I’m now on a countdown for going to Spain for some well deserved R&R at my parents. I’m gratified to see that the weather is likely to be good, especially with the deteriorating weather over here. This week is a busy one so by the time I get there I’ll probably be ready for a good sleep.
Mrs H3 has deserted me to go to Dubai with her mum for few days (of course I’m not at all jealous…well not if she brings me back the bottle of Jack Daniels she promised!)
Not having a hectic social life over the weekend did give me a chance to get a bit of Autumn cleaning done and I now have a huge pile of stuff for the tip that will be going this week, so a nice tidy flat is assured (well as tidy as I can get being an inveterate hoarder!) by the time I go away.
On Wednesday evening I’m going for dinner at Lynnie Lou’s. It’ll be a good chance to catch up and have a gossip, as she’s been all tied up recently with sorting out her lovely new house. Then Saturday night is Heidi’s 40th birthday party, which reminds me that I need to make her a card.
So partying Saturday night followed by an early flight Sunday morning. Not a good combination but I’m sure I’ll manage, especially with the prospect of a week off work to look forward to – nicely timed too as I’ll have just finished with the latest round of talks/arguments on our new database and will be needing to get away!
A little part of me is still hoping to acquire some tickets for the Elbow concert which is the weekend after I get back from Spain, although I’m not holding out much hope. If anyone has a couple of tickets they want to donate please let me know (yes I know that’s even more unlikely than me being able to buy them, but you never know there might be some nice philanthropist out there who has a couple of tickets to spare.) *LOL*
I Am Kloot have released the dates of their latest tour. Unfortunately with the exception of two solo gigs by Johnny (both annoyingly in Manchester – one this coming Friday (and believe me I did look into going but it just wasn’t viable either financially or work wise) and one on 27th November – still not yet decided about that one) all the other dates are in places like Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Holland and Austria. Obviously I’m gutted about this as it’s now been 151 days since I last saw them live and to say I’m having withdrawal symptoms would be a major understatement. They are doing a gig in Dublin on 15th December which I am also considering, but I’m really hoping they are going to announce a few UK dates soon…and preferably ones down south. Not all IAK fans are from Manchester you know!
Oops. I meant to have an update but got taken ill with a bad cold/chest infection so never got round to it. Still better late than never eh?
Okay so we went to see 'Tropic Thunder' a couple of weeks ago. Now as you know I wasn’t really looking forward to the film because of it containing Steve Coogan and Ben Stiller (no idea why I thought I disliked him as Dodgeball is still one of my all time favourite comedy films and he was very entertaining on Jonathan Ross the other week)
Now for Mrs H3 and I the laughter started before the film, during the trailer for the Jim Carrey film ‘Yes Man’ – which is a definite no-no for us so by the time ‘Satan’s Alley’ appeared (sorry you need to see the film to understand I’m afraid – so go watch it NOW!) we were already in stitches. I can honestly say that this didn’t stop for the whole movie nor for about an hour afterwards while we discussed it. Both of us were in agreement that if the film had been out on DVD we would have bought it immediately on leaving the cinema.
The star of the film wasn’t Ben Stiller, Jack Black or Robert Downey Jr. although they were all excellent, but Tom Cruise who stole the whole film with every scene he was in. Now I’m not (and neither is Mrs H3) a TC fan, in fact I’d be hard pushed to name a film of his that I’ve seen (and no I’ve never seen Top Gun) and we were both convinced that he’d make a perfect Wormtail (which has actually been our nickname for him for the last good few years) but it did leave me wondering whether I had misjudged him. Certainly he is perfect for comedic roles, especially those that require a foul-mouthed, badly dressed, badly dancing middle aged man, in fact he could probably give Hugh Grant a run for his money.
I can also say that from my point of view it was worth seeing for Steve Coogan even though I dislike him (or maybe because I dislike him), although I can’t say more without giving away the plot.
Anyway the long and the short is that the film is funny, very funny and if you enjoy Ben Stiller films, or Jack Black films then you’ll probably enjoy it. So go and see it and then you too can laugh over Satan’s Alley like Mrs H3 and I (and check out the website too which I’m not giving the addy for as it’ll mean nothing if you haven’t seen the film … Did I say go see the film already?)
Woohoo. I’ve got my new chair. Actually I’ve had it for a few weeks now but after mourning the death of my old chair it was only right to trumpet the acquisition of the new one (and people have actually been asking whether I’ve got it which is a bit freaky!)Anyway it’s a proper orthopaedic chair with loads of levers etc. and it was an absolute bargain as those sort of chairs go.
It also weighs a ton and I nearly put my back out trying to get the box up the stairs on my own (the delivery driver ran when he saw how many stairs it needed to go up). The box was so big it only just fitted on the stairs and I couldn’t actually close the door until it was about 4 steps up. Eventually it was just too heavy and the box started to rip so I let it fall back downstairs and brought up the pieces separately. When I finally reached the bottom of the box (almost as big as me so not good for my back) I found a piece of paper which said that the chair is heavy and needs two people to lift it! Nice of them NOT to put that on the outside of the box where it might have been more useful!
Now of course you all know that anyway. After all I fell in love with Gary when I was twelve, still was when I was twenty five and another seventeen years later I am even now completely and hopelessly smitten. I think it would be safe to say that this is an eternal love (unlike the Bay City Rollers – Dad you were right when you told me all those years ago that I wouldn't love them forever as I’d sworn when I was nine!)
I mention this because last Sunday night Mrs H3 and I went to see Gary at the O2 Indigo and it was bloody fantastic (yes I know it's taken forever to get this review up but I've been a busy girl). This is a nice intimate venue (with comfortable seats for us oldies and not so oldies) and with tickets in the Kings Row VIP bit we had a great view. Gary was on form having just returned from rain-soaked ‘Bestival’ where, according to reports, he wowed the crowd. He certainly did so last week, although to be fair it would have been hard not to with a room full of Numanoids eager to enjoy every moment of the concert.
The set was nice mix of the old and the new, Gary’s previously voiced intention to stop singing his old songs not materialising fortunately. I suspect that many of his older songs will never be heard live again, which is a shame, but there are those that fit into his current darker, more metallic sound like ‘Metal’ and ‘Films’ and those he’ll keep playing, reworked with the heavier feel and of course those old mainstays ‘Down in the Park’, ‘Cars’ and ‘Are Friends Electric?’ will never disappear.
The light show was, as ever, astonishing although too bright for me in places with the strobing effects and the sound level was high, causing almost total deafness in my left ear and partial deafness in the right (which took a day to return properly), although the bass wasn’t anywhere near as amplified as at the Brighton gig.
I left the concert feeling overwhelmingly contented; in fact I’d go as far as to say I used the ‘H’ word in relation to how I was feeling last week. Not being one of nature’s little sunbeams this state doesn't hit me often and it was a bit strange, but a nice feeling. Mrs H3 describes Gary’s music as angry and I think that fits as well as anything. Strange that such angry music should leave me feeling so happy, but then that’s the nature of love – it doesn't work the way you expect.
Mrs H3 took a photo or three and these (or some at least) should follow shortly.
Hurrah and Congratulations!
Just wanted to say a quick hurrah for Elbow who deservedly won the Mercury Music Prize on Tuesday night for their fabulous album ‘Seldom Seen Kid’ which I may have raved about on occasion. It was lovely to see Guy and the guys looking so happy at winning and yes Mrs H3 he still looked like a dustman! Unfortunately we hadn’t got round to getting tickets for their gig at the Roundhouse due to lack of money and of course they are now completely sold out. With tickets going for three times their face value plus now on e-bay I can safely say I won’t be seeing them this time round, instead sitting at home and moping miserably about not going without food for a week to get the tickets before they sold out.
So I am the official fangirl of the Sherwood Oak Football Club and have started a blog to report on their games. Feel free to drop by and leave a comment, or just read about the team’s exploits and look at a few pictures of the guys in action. They really do need all the supporters they can get :)
Finally there is a film out that’s worth paying good money to see.
‘Hellboy II: The Golden Army.’
Worth it alone for the very funny Barry Manilow scene (rated by MTV as the best moment of the summer) and definitely for Luke Goss’ portrayal of the elf prince (yep you KNOW I’m in love!), this film is superb. Far better than the original ‘Hellboy’ in my opinion, due I think to the ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ type creatures that positively infest the movie, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the film in a way that I haven’t done for ages.
I would agree with Mrs H3’s assessment that the film bears little resemblance to the trailer though. I think the trailer misses out on the fact that this is basically a romance movie, albeit with monsters instead of humans (hence the Barry Manilow section).
However, don’t let that put you off. Guillermo del Toro has done another fine job with this film and has managed to pull off a mixture of arthouse and mainstream Hollywood in one wonderful film. If you love ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ I’d think you’d like this film. If you haven’t seen ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ see it immediately!
So the next film we’re likely to see is ‘Tropic Thunder’. Mrs H3 says it makes her laugh just thinking about it. Now I’m not sure whether this is because the film is genuinely funny or whether it’s because she’s thinking of me squirming over seeing it. Sure it has Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr, but it also has Ben Stiller and Steve Coogan and that can’t be good. However, I’m game for a laugh (which is why I refused to go and see ‘You Don’t Mess with the Zohan’) so we’ll go and see if it matches up to the trailer, which does actually have a funny scene in it (the bit with the kid for anyone who’s seen it).
Whilst at the cinema we saw a display for the new Kiefer flick ‘Mirrors’, which I tried to steal as it had an almost lifesize picture of Kiefer on it. The film’s not out till 3rd October, but is at least something to look forward to as it looks like ‘Twilight’ isn’t being released in the UK in November, instead appearing on the original release date of 9th January 2009.
Oh and note the countdown ticker – only 323 days till Harry Potter is out (see 10 days have gone already) … almost no time at all *LOL*
Finally, and for those that like to know these things (mum and dad mainly) I think I’ve broken my toe. Running late as ever, I caught my foot and bent my middle toe right back causing all sorts of pain. By this morning it was swollen and purpley black from the bruising and still painful. Of course there’s nothing I can do about it but wait for it to mend. It’s amazing how easy it is to hit your foot when you don’t want to!
There I was on Friday expecting to spend a happy night curled up on the sofa with my book and a couple of glasses of wine. Unfortunately, I spent the evening with my head over a bucket being sick as a very sick dog and trying not to pass out from dizziness instead. No idea why. I thought maybe food poisoning at the time, but after excessive sleep and a feeling of nausea all day on Saturday and continuing into today along with a headache which is only just beginning to fade it makes it more likely that I had a bug. Still fragile today, I have the dubious pleasure of feeling like I spent all day yesterday doing abdominal crunches where my muscles have seized up after all that retching.
Still on the bright side I’ve finished the book and finally know what all the fuss was about (yes of course I checked out the furore as soon as I was done with it, although I’m saving the podcasts for when I go back to work). Not being religious or extremist and being perfectly well aware that vampires don’t really exist, at least not in the way the Cullen’s are portrayed, I actually had little problem with the book.
For me it was every bit as enjoyable as the previous three and the story was just as unlikely as any of the prequels. I can’t really say much without giving away spoilers, unfair for anyone who is yet likely to read it, but I’d have said the story was pretty much predictable for anyone who has a basic grasp of the characters and their motivations. This sounds like a criticism, but it really isn’t. For me the series read exactly like what it was, a teenage romance that just happened to involve supernatural characters.
As I said before I’m a sucker for vampire stories and also for romances, so it fit perfectly into my reading schedule. It reminded me in some ways of the fantastic Freda Warrington vampire series – ‘Taste of Blood Wine’; ‘A Dance in Blood Velvet’ and ‘The Dark Blood of Poppies’, although Freda’s books are far better written and much more adult in tone. I know these books seem to be rare as hen’s teeth to get hold of but if you prefer less teen romance, more classic vampire seduction then definitely check out these books. They are firmly in my top three favourite vampire series of all time, along with Brian Lumley’s ‘Necroscope’ series and of course the quintessential vampire stories by Anne Rice.
In retrospect I don’t regret buying ‘Breaking Dawn’ at all. Yes I was weak-willed as Mrs H3 so kindly pointed out, but I needed to know what happened and now I do and am very happy because of that. And now I look forward to ‘Midnight Sun’, the retelling of ‘Twilight’ from Edward Cullen’s perspective; mainly because I feel it will be interesting to see how the author deals with the vampire side of things properly and I won’t be able to resist reading romance from Edward's viewpoint.
But what to read next? Well I’m currently reading the new Jeffrey Deaver ‘The Sleeping Doll’, that I started last week before I bought ‘Breaking Dawn’ and I’m rereading all the Harry Potters (currently close to finishing ‘Goblet of Fire’). I really want to read Matthew Reilly’s ‘Six Sacred Stones’, the follow-on to ‘Seven Ancient Wonders’ that I thoroughly enjoyed, as soon as I go shopping in Asda to buy a copy. But I’m now wondering whether it might be time to re-read the classic vampire stories I love, after all it’s been a few years since I read the Freda Warrington, the Anne Rice and the Brian Lumley. Oh and while I think of it, maybe its time to dig out George R R Martin’s wonderful ‘Fevre Dream’ too.
Okay so I caved in and bought ‘Breaking Dawn’ the final book in the ‘Twilight’ series by Stephenie Meyer. I wasn’t going to, in fact I was determined to wait until the paperback came out; knowing that although I’d enjoyed the first three I could (just about) bear to wait for the paperback to find out what happened.
Except of course I couldn’t.
Now I think I did pretty well considering. I mean the book’s been out for over a fortnight now, so I didn’t crumble at the first hurdle and pre-order from Amazon, nor did I go to the midnight launch party (been there and done that with HP). Even after a couple of days I was standing firm. I didn’t even crumble when the internet was filled with stories about fan backlash with the ending – I just ignored the stories (with some difficulty) even though I was of course dying to know what happened and just why everyone was so upset. But then spoilers started appearing everywhere. On You Tube video comments; on the ‘Twilight’ sites (of course) and more annoyingly, on the Harry Potter sites, as there is a huge crossover of fans between the two series. Still I managed to stay rigid. But then came the onslaught of the podcasts.
Now I listen to a lot of podcasts, and especially to Harry Potter ones like Snapecast, Pottercast and Mugglecast (to name just three of the many). Of course ‘Twilight’ is big news everywhere right now and has been discussed briefly on previous podcasts, but now ‘everyone’ has read the final book the spoilers and more in depth discussion on the books themes are starting on there too. Mugglecast even did an interview with Stephenie. To have to turn off a perfectly interesting podcast halfway through because I’m one of the few people who hasn’t yet read the conclusion to the Cullen saga is frankly annoying.
Unable to go without my podcast fixes and unwilling to ruin the ending of what seems so far like a perfectly good book with heavy duty spoilers I finally gave in this lunchtime and bought a copy. As at this moment I am 204 pages into it (yes, like the others it is pretty easy reading) with another 550 to go. With no plans for this weekend I guess I know now what I’ll be doing; although if it’s anything like reading the HP books I won’t be able to put it down till it’s over.
Expect a late night and a few glasses of wine as I join Bella, Edward and Jacob for one last story (until ‘Midnight Sun’ comes out of course). I can always sleep tomorrow night!
I’m writing a little uncomfortably today. My trusty computer chair which my parents bought me as a Christmas present some eight or nine years ago has finally given up the ghost and died. It has survived many years of sitting, wriggling and using as a step ladder. The material was frayed and the padding coming out, but still I sat on that rather than my sofa. It had lost an arm somewhere along the way and the height mechanism no longer worked, but it was a good chair nonetheless. Until Friday night when the metal frame, after years of wear and tear finally sheared dumping me unceremoniously on the floor. RIP to my fabulous chair. I just hope I can find one as good to replace it. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.
Although I’m still upset about the Harry Potter film reschedule (did I mention that at all?), some good news may be just around the corner. Summit have announced that they are moving ‘Twighlight’ into the empty spot left by Harry Potter in the US at any rate. Disappointingly, they were originally intending to release the film in the UK a month after the US release (I really hate when they do that … remember “Sweeney Todd”?), but I’m hoping that they’ll realise with the big furore over the Potter film, and the huge launch of ‘Breaking Dawn’ they have the perfect launch date and they’ll make it a worldwide thing. (Excuse the gratuitous poster below. Any excuse to gaze at the gorgeous Robert Pattinson - loving the golden eyes!)
So here’s to hoping that Twilight hits the UK cinemas on 21st November!
And to help with my wait for ‘Half Blood Prince’ I’ve added a ticker to my blog – Only another 333 days to go!
Yep I’m pissed off … extremely pissed off. With Warner Brothers. I’m sure by now that everyone knows that the release of ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’ has been put back by eight, count ‘em, EIGHT months due to Warner Brothers money grabbing attitude.
Now I know I’m not alone in being upset. The Leaky Cauldron crashed from the number of people trying to access the site and comment on their disgust of the situation – over 600 comments in 2 hours, and reports in various world newspapers about petitions and boycotts from what are described by the LA Times as "amongst the most intense devotees in contemporary pop culture" show that the fans are very angry indeed.
This isn’t helped when WB executives release statements which give away their true intentions. Blaming the recent writers strike is useful but doesn’t cover up the fact they’re hoping to make more money by waiting till next July, especially when IMAX produce a press release saying exactly that. After the understandable outrage from the HP fandom at the date change WB’s President Alan Horn was quoted as saying that he acknowledged that the studio would have to pacify fans in the months to come: “We would never do anything to hurt one of the movies or the series. We love our fans.” Mr Horn certainly doesn’t use my definition of the word love!
The first pacifiers came quickly. After months of nothing much in the way of promotional material suddenly there were new pictures: including Snape, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange performing the unbreakable vow; Snape and McGonagall with the golden trio examining the charmed necklace and the Slug Club meeting and Christmas party.
Nice to see especially for a Snape fangirl like me (maybe Snape will get more than ten minutes of playing time in this movie after all – a must surely considering the book (and film) is really called Harry Potter and Severus Snape), but annoying too. Forget the pictures and just give us the film!
I guess that explains why the official trailer wasn’t released with ‘The Mummy’ as had been touted by WB at the end of last month, however the publicity machine has already been gearing up for the November release so it will be interesting to see what happens when they have to promote next July. Entertainment Weekly (a huge magazine in the States) is running their 7 page feature on the film this month (it hits the newsstands today) and I am sure there will be others. Hard to see how this missed publicity will be recaptured when the film finally comes out.
So now I have to wait until 17th July 2009 to see the film. WB have helpfully pointed out that this means less of a wait for film 7 – ‘The Deathly Hallows Part 1’ which is due out on 19 November 2010 (assuming of course they don’t shift that date to a more profitable one too), but that doesn’t help. I expected the wait for the next film. I didn’t expect to have to wait another eight months for this one.
Interestingly, as part of the EW article, Steve Kloves (writer of 5 of the 6 HP scripts so far) says that he has just finished the first draft of HP7 Pt1. He is quoted as saying that they (I assume he means WB) are worried that with the end of the book series that the popularity of the franchise will drop and they won’t have an audience for the last films. Perhaps he and the executives at WB ought to take a look at the HP fandom before making stupid statements like that. Not only does it show no signs of diminishing, the number of people enjoying the books and films increases every year as more young readers (and adults willing to take a chance) pick up the stories. The main reason WB are likely to lose an audience is through stupid moves like the one they pulled yesterday!
So as well as lounging around eating ice cream and watching the latest blockbusters Mrs H3 and I have also been enjoying the music.
On Thursday 3rd July we were back at the O2, this time seeing Duran Duran. This was a weird experience for me. It was promoting their last album ‘Red Carpet Massacre’ which I have to admit I’d not listened to after the first couple of days of owning it as I wasn’t overly keen on it and so I don't know the words to any of the songs. It was odd to be at a concert and not singing along except to ‘Falling Down’, especially as Mrs H3 and everyone around me was. Of course they also didn't play any of the songs I really liked from the album so I actually, and I really hate to admit this, found myself a bit bored at various points throughout the night. Of course things livened up when they played the old tracks and overall I will admit that the evening was excellent and I did thoroughly enjoy it.
I was unlucky enough to be stuck behind a fat bird with fat hair to match (yes I am aware that I’m not Twiggy) who was dancing like she was having an epileptic fit for the whole concert. Every time I tried to get a picture or video the stage, in fact even just look at it she was in front of me waving her big hair around all over the place. Although we were pretty near the front of the venue I spent most of the evening watching the band on the big screen as it gave me an unobstructed view of Simon.
Mrs H3 says that I’ve been different about Duran Duran since their treatment of me in New Orleans. And I think she’s right. Whilst I didn't expect them to stop and talk to me I didn’t think it was too much to expect a smile or a wave, having travelled so far to see them, especially considering there were so few people there. On their fan club website and when they are on stage they are always going on about caring about their fans, but I saw no sign of that at Voodoofest and being cynical it is easy to think they are just about making money.
That cynicism is even easier to have when you discover that the VIP packages that they sell for an extortionate amount of money (I believe the O2 ones were about £400) aren't so VIP after all. My idea of VIP is for a select group of people to be given the chance to have the top seats and the experience of meeting the band etc. At O2 there were 150 VIP packages sold – certainly not my idea of select, and they were sitting only a few rows in front of us. Did they get to meet the band beforehand? I don’t know but according to the information on the website it’s not always guaranteed. This year I also decided not to buy a programme (and actually stuck to that) and the t-shirt stand was left well alone as they didn't seem to have anything under £20 (the blingy t shirt I liked was £35!). Of course as much as I moan I will still renew my fan club membership and be nervously waiting for tickets the next time they tour, so I guess I’m not too cynical just yet.
In the end we decided against going to the Mighty Boosh festival, mainly due to a severe lack of money and so our next musical outing was to see the rescheduled Pete Doherty show at the Royal Albert Hall. Now obviously we had been eagerly awaiting this since Pete had got himself put in prison back in April and I’m sure Mrs H3 was the same as me in hoping that he didn't do anything stupid before Saturday 12th July came. Fortunately he didn't and the show went ahead as planned.
And it was brilliant. I know a lot of people knock Pete for his drug habit but they are being unfair. If you didn’t listen to a band/singer because of drug taking there would be very few bands left in the world, and the ones left would generally be pretty boring. Pete really does have a wonderful voice; he’s a brilliant songwriter and a consummate performer. When he appeared on stage he was well dressed in a suit, completely clean and sober and drinking tea. Oh and he wasn’t wearing his trademark hat either.
The audience dynamic was interesting to say the least. A mix of hard core fans who are more used to him playing venues like the Tap ‘n’ Tin, seat owners who had come along purely to see what all the fuss was about and others like Mrs H3 and I who just enjoy good music and a good evening out. We were lucky enough to have front row seats in one of the boxes and so had an excellent view of the proceedings.
As the evening went on it was clear that some of the die hards were having trouble with the RAH concept of sitting still and watching the performance. Occasionally they tried to get up and dance but were asked to sit down, this wasn’t what they wanted or were used to. Pete did make a couple of mentions to it, at the beginning asking if everyone was sitting comfortably, and later saying he’d been told by another artist that the best bit about being at the Royal Albert Hall was the respectful silences between songs – his die hard fans didn’t shut up for a moment.
What amazed and impressed us most was his ability to keep going under difficult circumstances. At one point in the evening a guy in the front row was trying to get him to talk to his girlfriend on the phone in the middle of ‘East of Eden’. Pete stopped singing, asked the guy to turn his phone off and then carried on pitch perfect from where he’d left off as if he’d never stopped singing. Shortly after the same man was evicted from the hall after he threw a bottle of water at Pete.
Unfortunately the Royal Albert Hall chose to only have two of their bars open during the short interval and so we missed the first few songs of the second half (including ‘For Lovers’ which I’d been hoping he’d play) as we and a million other people were still queuing for water and the evening was cut short by a stage invasion at the beginning of his encore, which effectively ended the show. However, yet again, even with the stage filling around him he only actually stopped singing when the crowd dragged him too far away from the microphone to be heard. I just hope he had as good an evening as he appeared to be having. I know Mrs H3 and I did, although more than a little disappointed at losing the final fifteen minutes of what could have been an amazing encore.
I was worried that as usual the reviews would show the old drugged up pictures of Pete that they always seem to reel out for stories about him and that the stage invasion would be used against him. Fortunately there were only a few that used this tactic, the rest being fair and respectful and even using pictures of him from the evening which showed how good he was looking. The event was filmed and so hopefully at some point in the near future everyone will be able to see just what a good evening those of us at the RAH had that night.
Since then it’s been all quiet on the music front, although we do have plans to see Gary Numan at O2 Indigo on 7th September and hopefully, when I can afford the tickets, Elbow at the Roundhouse in October. By then I’m hoping the I Am Kloot guys will be back from their festivals and touring again as it’s now been 105 days since I last saw them and I’m having serious withdrawal symptoms. Having caught part of their performance at Latitude on the TV I see that Johnny has had his hair cut and I approve. I think he looks better without the long curls.
A New Game
I think I’ve mentioned in the past that I’m not as happy with my new phone as I could be. Although it’s lovely and pink it takes really crap photos and even worse video. It is so bad that I’ve decided to create a new game for Mrs H3. It’s similar in style to the old ‘Shooting Stars’ game where Vic would sing a song in a club style and the guests had to guess the song. I’m going to do the same with my concert footage. By the time the sound goes through my phone it comes out just as thumping bass. So the game is guess the song, the singer and the concert. With clips to choose from My Chemical Romance, IAK, Gary Numan, Duran Duran and Pete Doherty it should be interesting – especially as they all sound pretty much the same!
Mrs H3 and I have been to the cinema a bit and seen most of the major the new films (except for the Dark Knight which I’ve gone off more and more as I hear more about it. It’s long (as soon as Mark Kermode said its 2 ½ hours and feels like it I knew I wouldn't be watching it unless I really had to), it’s boring (apart from when Heath Ledger is on screen so I’ve been told by just about everyone who’s seen it) and it’s got Christian Bale who personally I can't stand). So here’s a quick rundown on my thoughts on the films we’ve seen.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian So we went to the premiere and it wasn’t exactly the exciting evening we were hoping for. For starters the red (or rather green) carpet seemed to be a bit thin on the ground with stars. Apparently there were ‘celebrities’ but of course as I steadfastly refuse to watch any reality TV or read any of those crappy ‘real-life’ magazines I didn't recognise any of them. This is the reason I look so bemused in the photos. Being serious the only people I actually recognised were Liam Neeson (who was looking divine, as was his wife Natasha Richardson who wore a lovely blue dress) and the four kids (and that was probably only because I’d seen the video of the four of them getting off the boat while we were waiting).
Unfortunately the place we stood wasn’t the best for meeting celebrities either. What seemed like a good position opposite the podium where the TV woman was interviewing the stars as they came through meant they were whisked across to the podium just before they reached us and then continued signing autographs etc. with the crowd just after us. There were a few exceptions. The guy who played Prince Caspian – Ben Barnes (who is to play Dorian Gray in a new version of the film – one definitely on my list to see), made the effort to come back to see our section and a large screaming group of young girls next to my left ear attracted several children’s TV presenters and reality TV boys. Liam Neeson never came near although we waited for over an hour for him to reach us, although to be fair the four or five of us who wanted to meet him (strangely we were all older women) weren’t able to shout loud enough over the little girls crying for the latest reality TV star.
By the time the ‘stars’ had gone in it was well past time that the film should have started which wasn’t really fair considering it was a school night and there were lots of children there. We had to get to our seats and didn’t even have time to get a drink, let alone anything to eat. So we found our seats. The showing was at the O2 and seated 10,000 people. Imagine a cinema screen in a space that huge. We had and expecting problems seeing from further back had got seats about 3 rows from the front. However, the screen was huge, far bigger than expected and we could have easily seen it from everywhere. So we were further forward than I’d have liked, although it was good for seeing the film’s stars when they appeared on stage just before the showing. It was also a bit freaky when you turned round to realise there were almost 10,000 people behind you and very strange when sections of the audience suddenly burst out in sporadic applause and the like.
The film itself was good enough: certainly on a par with the previous title in the series with excellent cinematography and CGI. However, it was shot in New Zealand and there were several scenes where it was too similar to the Lord of the Rings, both in content and the use of the same spot for filming (an example of this is when the Telmarine’s chase Caspian from the castle they are washed away while trying to cross the river, the same stretch of water that washed away the Nazgul in Fellowship of the Ring when they were chasing Arwen and Frodo). Similarly when the Narnian’s attacked the Telmarine castle there was a definite feel of Harry Potter to it, from the aerial views of the castle to the flying griffin.
One major redeeming feature for me was the brilliant casting of King Miraz by Sergio Castellitto who I had never heard of before. He was very much the perfect baddie and I spent the whole film alternately thinking that I was in love and thinking how perfect he would be as Severus Snape. Not replacing my beloved Alan obviously, but for his vital younger years scenes in the Deathly Hallows (surely they must do the Prince’s Tale justice if they’re splitting the film into two parts mustn't they? By rights it should be a huge part of the films and I live in hope that eventually they’ll give him the prominence that he deserves). Sergio has the dark glittering eyes, the sallow skin and the prominent nose and just the right amount of snark to carry it off successfully.
So here’s a picture of him … tell me he isn’t perfect as a younger Severus.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Well you know I was looking forward to seeing this, after all I LOVE the first three films (yep even the dodgy second one) and although the reviews were dire I was still expecting great things. WRONG! The film was every bit as bad as the reviews said, in fact, if anything I’d have said it was worse. Overlong, boring and completely out to lunch (there was NO need for aliens in this film – Indy is a treasure hunter and we want to see that). It didn't help that Harrison’s performance reminded me heavily of the ‘Headcases’ TV show’s version of Indiana Jones. So much so that it really put me off. I came out of the film convinced that I would never watch it again, not even when it’s on the telly and I think Mrs H3 was pretty much in agreement with me on this. Certainly we were both hugely disappointed and felt that the series had been badly let down by this pile of crap.
Mamma Mia I saw the stage show of this last year with the girls and absolutely loved it and when I saw the first teaser trailer towards the end of last year I was excited about the film version. An interesting choice of cast and the chance for an expansion on the magical stage show made this a must-see film for me.
Unfortunately I would have to confess to being a little disappointed. Although Meryl Streep and Julie Walters put in excellent performances and Colin Firth was lovely enough to look at as always, it seemed to me that putting the real scenery behind the set pieces somehow dampened the effect. The minimal staging in the show is just that for a reason. Imagining the scenery allows the performance to shine through, with all the scenery around to take your mind off the performance it comes across as lacklustre. It did have me pining for my Crete holiday but apart from that I wasn’t impressed although Pierce Brosnan’s singing performance was terrible enough to almost make it compulsive viewing.
I know that most of the people I went with enjoyed it thoroughly, although Mrs H3 did tell me just as the film was starting that she wasn’t an Abba fan, something that I think you really need to be. I couldn't imagine even seeing the film if I didn't like the music. Steve and the barmaids went to see it the following week and they loved it, even getting up and singing and dancing (we were far more restrained and stayed seated through the whole thing which might have been where we went wrong), except for Tammie – she fell asleep, citing the film as boring when asked. Personally I’d agree with Tammie.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Now I was looking forward to this almost as much as Indiana Jones. Yet again I have a deep love of the first two Mummy films (although my sister hates them and can't understand my interest at all) and was looking forward to the latest in the series even if it was no longer set in Egypt.
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Disappointment doesn’t cover how grieviously this franchise has been damaged by this terrible film. For me the first major and completely unforgivable problem was the casting of someone else as Evie and someone who was nowhere near up to the role. Okay so Rachel Weisz didn’t want to be in it (and I’m not surprised considering how crap it was) but instead of getting someone completely different with a totally different acting style and personality to play the character they should have killed her off. Brendan Fraser is of course always pretty wooden but you expect that and so he doesn't disappoint, but the actor who played the son seemed too old to be such; he was more like a younger brother. Even John Hannah’s performance (always usually a highlight in these films) was marred by rubbish jokes and the dialogue all the way through completely stank.
There were some good set pieces, clever special effects and of course martial arts, after all Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh were in there too, but it wasn’t enough to redeem what was an absolute stinker of a film. When the thing you worry about most is whether the yak was okay it tells you something is seriously wrong. As it finished Mrs H3 and I agreed that we would never go to see another Mummy film again and also decided that ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ was actually a better film! I think that says it all really.
The X Files – I Want to Believe Well I didn't have the highest hopes for this as I’d heard reviews saying it was basically an extra long episode of the TV series. This was absolutely correct it really was, and not one of their more interesting episodes either. Having said that it meant I got to spend the best part of 2 hours in the company of David Duchovny so it wasn’t all bad (although I was pleased when he shaved off his beard). And I do have to give 10 out of 10 to Mrs H3 for coming up with a much better plot ending for the film than was actually the case! This is definitely the best of the films we’ve seen recently. although I’m hoping Hellboy 2 is going to be a step up, so far all the films I’ve been looking forward to for the Summer season have been disappointing (to say the least).
Of course there are films I am looking forward to, although not a huge amount it has to be said. Having said that the end part of the year has the films I’m REALLY excited about. Coming next is ‘Hellboy 2: The Golden Army’ as I mentioned above. I will admit that I wasn’t that keen on the original Hellboy film for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. For me it just wasn’t quite enough. However, it looks like Guillermo del Toro has gone to town with the monsters in this one, very much more ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ (which I absolutely adored) so I’m looking forward to it. The trailer looks awesome and of course it’s got Luke Goss in it, looking like an ill Lucius Malfoy so it’s almost worth watching for that alone.
I’m also now champing at the bit about ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’ since Warner Brothers have FINALLY released the teaser trailer for it (all 1 minute and 31 seconds of it – see below). Of course the theatrical trailer would be better and is desperately awaited (and not just by me either – I think the whole HP fandom is going mad with the lack of promotion), but it hasn't been released with The Mummy as was reported all over the internet (shame because it would have almost made The Mummy worth going to see). Other rumours suggest it will be shown with the new Star Wars film, but I have no intention of seeing that even for the HP trailer.
Okay so I’m back. Yep I know I’ve been gone for months and I don't really have any excuse as I’ve had loads to blog about, but I just wasn’t feeling in the mood to write and so I didn’t. But I’m back (finally) and feeling somewhat revitalized and so maybe I’ll be blogging regularly again, although I’m just about to hit a quiet period with not much in the way of entertainment going on so maybe not. Who knows – perhaps I’ll finally finish my New Orleans holiday blog (oops I’d forgotten I hadn't finished it – I could have sworn that I had the last time I had a burst of activity on it) and get round to doing the Crete Odyssey blog now that I’ve got Mrs H3’s photos.
So time for a HUGE catch up and be prepared it’s going to be a long and bumpy ride, so long in fact that I’ve had to split it into several posts – the general, the film and the music.
First a few photos that I’ve been promising to post, but never got round to:
The secret paper scrapbooking project (post below). As some of you may have guessed the project was something for Dr Jen and Michael’s wedding. It was my contribution to a scrapbook of the wedding which was organised by Shazzer. As you can see it was rather basic. Yep I know. How did it take 5 hours to complete this? Well the tale of woe is below, but hopefully it was worth it to give the Doc and hubby some happy memories of their special day.
And while we’re talking about the wedding here’s a few photos of it.
Doctor Jen, Michael and their families
Sinners together again (LtoR): Jen, KW, Doc, Shazzer, Me, TJ
Me and Mrs H3
And here's the pictures from Warwick Castle from April. Assorted pictures of hats, castles, waxworks and birds of prey and of course the largest trebuchet in the world. Once again I’d recommend this as a fabulous day out to anyone in the area. I couldn't decide which ones to post so I've put them all as a slideshow.
Finally a late congratulations to Jo and Paul who celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary last week. Hard to believe it's been a year since I was in Italy, how fast is time going?
On Sunday I remembered why I’m a digiscrapper. It was a simple premise – I need to decorate 2 8x8 pages for a little project I’m working on. Now with real difficulty it would have taken about twenty minutes on my computer – in real life? About 5 hours!
But it’s simple I hear you say. Yep it is – if you’re one of those organised scrappers who knows where everything’s kept, not when you’re me with your stash buried down the back of the sofa (amongst many other places).
Step 1 – choose your papers. I needed 4 different papers – easy enough you would think except that it meant moving EVERYTHING from behind the sofa to find it. Even Arnie would have had trouble lifting some of my boxes of papers – God knows how I got them down there but they’re not coming back up again without me doing some serious injury to my back!
Step 2 – cut to size. Okay – so I’ve lost my paper cutter. Nope I found it but the blade needs replacing. So I find the scalpel. Unfortunately the blade needs replacing in that too. And I can’t find a cutting mat or my steel edged ruler for love nor money. So finally I dig out the scissors and cut by hand – it’s a bit wonky but it’ll do. It’s made with love after all!
Step 3 – rounding the pages. Yep you guessed it can’t find my CM corner rounder anywhere, although I know I saw it somewhere earlier but I do have 2 Dovecraft ones (no longer - they are now in the bin where I should have thrown them the last time I realised they were completely crap). So I’ve ruined a perfectly cut page with a crappy corner rounder and realise I have no choice I have to find the CM one or not bother with rounded corners.
Step 4 – cut the embellishments. These are simple and fairly plain pages so I only have a few hole punched embellishments in different papers. I wanted to do circles but find I don’t have a circle hole punch bigger than a pinhead, so okay I’ll change everything and go for hearts (the only thing of the size I need).
Step 5 – stick it all together. Well I’ve lost my herma. I can find various refills but not the actual unit. I don’t want to use double sided tape in case I need to move anything around later. Hurrah my first piece of good luck my Xyron X sticker thing is somewhere where I can see it straight away AND joy of joys it has repositionable glue. Brilliant! I can stick my embellishments on my page.
But now it’s looking a little bare – I don’t have any suitable titles etc. and not quite sure what it should say anyway at the moment so instead I decide to add a couple of extremely heavy plaques (those metal ones by Making Memories)
Step 6 – add the metal. They have eyelets on the back so need to be set. Of course I do still have my Provocraft Silent Setter but to my mind it’s even more useless than the Dovecraft corner rounders so don’t even bother trying to find it. What I need is my trusty setting kit and a big hammer. Of course I can’t find my MM toolkit which has all those wonderful things but I do have a setter hanging around and strangely there’s a little pick hammer down the side of my freezer (don’t ask why). No mat though and so I have to bang it into the table (fortunately about a million years old) leaving a couple of nice holes in it.
So my pages are finally done. And I can’t yet show them, but as soon as I can I’ll post them so you can see how much trouble went into such little outcome.
I’m seriously considering selling all my stash and going purely digital – it’s much easier and quicker to do and all the kits can be stored on my external HDD taking up no space whatsoever!
Blimey I know you all thought I’d died! I’ve had a complaint (okay more than one actually) that my blog hasn’t been kept up-to-date recently. I’d like to point out that whilst I’m out doing all the exciting things I write about in my blog I don’t actually have time to write it and since the Chelsea Flower Show I seem to have been constantly busy.
So first was the Chelsea Flower Show. Always a good day out and this year was no exception and we were lucky enough to have the best weather of the week. Personally I wasn’t all that impressed with some of the show gardens – all that green and white that was so fashionable this year was rather boring. As usual I didn’t like the garden that won Best in Show (the Laurent Perrier garden) but I also missed all the television coverage so have no idea which garden won the People’s Choice award. I did notice that the gardens in the final were generally the ones with colour rather than the boring green/white combos, which says something about the taste of gardeners as opposed to garden designers. We did attend two interesting talks, the first given by Julian Dowle, the designer of my favourite ever Chelsea garden ‘From Darkness to Light’ for the Salvation Army, who discussed the differences between modern and old fashioned gardens and the second by Andy Sturgeon who gave a slideshow of the building of his fabulous show garden for Cancer Research. It was fascinating to see exactly what goes into building those amazing gardens. How they manage it in three weeks I’ve no idea.
Hopefully if this works there should be slideshow of my Chelsea photos below. If not they can be found at Chelsea Flower Show 2008, but be warned there are over 300 pictures.
The day after Chelsea Mrs H3 and I went to see ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’. I have to say I thought it was dreadful. As a devotee of the first three films I was very disappointed with the effort. There were many special effects, but a lot of them seemed to be done just because they could rather than because they were needed. The story was ridiculous and pretty boring in parts and the ending was poor too. Cate Blanchett was underused as the baddie and the worst thing for me was that Harrison Ford’s Indy reminded me very much of the ‘Headcases’ version and it really put me off. Whilst I would always watch any of the first three films I can’t imagine even bothering to turn on the television for the latest one. Will it be a classic in 20 years time? I can’t see it, but then I know a few people who aren’t quite such fans of the original three who thought the film was good so maybe the passage of time will improve it.
So onto ‘Potted Potter’ the play about the Harry Potter books. I’m not sure what Mrs H3 thought about it but I loved every minute. Incredibly funny and irreverent, the thing had me in stitches from the moment it started (watch out for the terrifying dragon!), through the Quidditch match, right till the end of the last book and poor Severus Snape’s upset at his fate. For the first time ever I ended up in Slytherin (hurrah!) but we lost the Quidditch match to some precocious child who added a great deal more laughter to the proceedings. I haven’t laughed so much in ages.
Then it was time for the Eurovision Song Contest. I love this trashy pop fest and try to watch it every year. This year was just as good as usual, although the proliferation of Eastern European countries in the final mean that the Western Europeans are likely never to win again. The voting has always been dodgy, but this year was extreme and our (poor but better than in several previous years) entry was given hardly any points again (not even Malta voted for us this year). Anyway unsurprisingly Russia won (although my personal favourite was Azerbijan with their wonderful angels). It will be interesting to see if the BBC and other Western European countries continue to fund the competition when they have no chance of even getting in the top ten any more let alone winning. I hope so because for camp entertainment value if nothing else it’s worth the licence fee – but only as long as Terry Wogan continues the voiceovers of course.
So we’re still considering the Mighty Boosh Festival, but are now booked to see Gary Numan in September at the O2 Indigo.
With summer coming it’s wedding time and my friend Kelly married Mark a couple of weeks ago (31st May). Next Saturday (21st June) my Sinner friend the Doc (Jen2) and her other half Michael are tying the knot in Essex and I look forward to catching up with friends old and new there.
Finally the biggest news (and the reason that I haven't updated the blog as quickly as I should have done) is that Mrs H3 and I went off on holiday. Yep after spending months (and I mean months) thinking about it we finally headed to First Choice at Bluewater on the Friday before our holiday started to see what last minute deals they had. After two hours we emerged with our holiday choice – 7 nights in Crete at the Golden Bay Apartments. We flew out on Tuesday morning (3rd June) returning the following week.
The weather was hot, the hotel basic and quiet and Crete was a wonderful place (although Greece seem to be rather taken with the Spanish Eurovision entry ‘Baila el Chiki Chiki’ – they played it a lot). I am intending to do the Crete Odyssey holiday blog once I get Mrs H3’’s photos (she took lots more than me), hopefully with input from her. The hot weather wasn’t too good for Mrs H3 though and she got bad heat rash which turned nasty when we got home culminating in her ending up with steroid cream and the possibility of cortisone injections, poor thing.
Unfortunately the holiday worked out quite expensive and it meant that we had no money left for the Elbow & IAK concert at Delamare Forest (and believe me I am bitterly disappointed as I haven’t seen IAK for almost two months now although Guy Garvey is playing them on his show tonight on Radio 6 so I'm listening in specially) however it did give me a nice relaxing weekend at home before having to go back to work.
So next Thursday is the premiere of Prince Caspian at O2. Look out for Mrs H3 and I on the red carpet with all those celebrities.
I'm a proud Slytherin with many interests, some of which I occasionally blog about. I still love Kiefer Sutherland (always) and Gary Numan is my god. K-Pop is my current major interest in life. EXO is my ult band, although Pentagon runs a close second. Onew (SHINee) is my ult, ult bias. When I'm not listening to music I'm probably watching Korean or Chinese drama.