However, I have weighty decisions to make. Like should I go to Night & Day to see JHAB’s Valentine’s Massacre. On the plus side Manchester’s only about 5 hours away (a mere stroll compared to Middlesborough) but it’s on a Thursday night, which will mean taking Friday off (sounds like a great excuse for a day off to me!) as I’ll have to stay overnight. The tickets are cheap and there’s a Travelodge only 5 minutes walk from the venue with available rooms at a budget price so it’s very tempting. And as I won't have anything better/more interesting to do on Valentine’s Day it’s even more tempting.
Of course I will be going to see him at Putney the following week with Mrs H3 (thank you once again to her) so I guess Manchester could be overkill. It’s just so nice to go out and not be in the pub for a change, and it's always a pleasure listening to live music, especially the happy, uplifting sound of I Am Kloot!
I’ve been a busy bee in the digi-scrapbooking department too. After a gentle reminder by Jo that I haven’t yet scrapped any of her wedding photos, I suddenly found my mojo and produced 4 layouts in one evening. Being fair I did have a problem with Publisher and it had taken about 5 months to get it sorted (mainly because I’m lazy), but I also hadn’t had the inspiration to do any scrapping anyway. I’ve themed the layouts using the same kit, to give it the feel of an album. There will be more layouts on the way when I get a few moments to do them. For anyone interested in these things the main kit is Melany Violette’s (mjv) ‘Playful & Pretty’ kit and there are elements from her other kits and also from Chain Gang, Bridget Withers and Peggy Bruscher.

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