Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2012.

I thought I’d start with an early blog post as I’m seriously intending to try and post more regularly this year (yeah yeah, I know, I always say that – but this year I’m actually going to do it).

I’m not really one for resolutions, as they are too easily broken, but with a tough year ahead (some people would classify it as challenging and relish it, but I’m afraid I’m not one of them and am going to find it hard going and quite possibly upsetting at times) I think I’m really going to need to get stuff out of my system and this blog (and the fitness and nutrition blog) will be the way to do it.

I haven’t really got much in the way of exciting things to look forward to in the near future due to a lack of money and anticipate spending rather a lot of time at home on my own. However, the up side to this is that I received a lot of DVDs for Christmas and will at least have something to keep me occupied whilst I’m stewing at home.

First up will be an episode of Lost a day, which, if I manage to stick to that schedule, should see me finishing the final series at the end of April. I will also be catching up with season three of Castle and Fringe and finally attempting to watch series one of Downton Abbey (I have actually watched the first episode twice and couldn’t manage to get into it at all, but I am persevering as everyone else in the world seems to love it, so I must be wrong). I’ve also the first three series of Merlin to catch up on (I loved series four) and the first series of Bones (to see if I want to get the others).   

I also have, courtesy of a fabulous Christmas present from Mrs H3, the ultimate, limited edition Blu-Ray and DVD versions of the Harry Potter films which I never have a problem watching again and again – and I’m hoping that my new LCD tv will make the final films more watchable than my old telly.

That’s not to say that there won’t be some good moments during the year. My birthday is fast approaching and I expect there will be a fancy dress evening at the Sherwood Oak to celebrate as usual (although I haven’t yet decided what the theme should be) - featuring (hopefully) Mrs H3 and the Foxhunter and maybe even other people.

And there will be concerts too. Already booked are Justin Furstenfeld (lead singer of Blue October) and David Hasselhoff (yes Mrs H3 is VERY excited about this). I Am Kloot are due to release a new album shortly, which I’m really hoping means a load of concerts that we can get to, as it’s been far too long since I last saw them. Also I think Gary Numan will be releasing his new album later in the year, which should mean more supporting concerts too.

Filmwise, my interest is taken up by The Woman in Black due out in February, The Hunger Games in March and the long-awaited The Hobbit which is out in December. Of course, there is also the final part of Twilight: Breaking Dawn (I still have absolutely no idea why this was split into two films, as unlike Harry Potter there wasn’t much story to begin with and the first film had quite a lot of filler in it).

So some tough times ahead, but hopefully with enough bright spots to stop me from sinking too far into depression. Hopefully this new programme I’ve discovered called Moodscope will help me to better gauge things and help me to stay on an even keel, although after just three days of completing the tests it suggested that I see a doctor (although it was over New Year which is always a down time for me).  

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