Saturday, October 21, 2006


Now everyone knows that I am the biggest wuss in the world and where pain is concerned, I just don’t do it. A broken nail can leave me in agony and the first (and only) time I had my eyebrows plucked (and it was by a professional) I cried. In fact hair removal in general has always been a trial to me. Bearing this in mind, what on earth possessed me to buy an epilator? To those who don’t know it’s like a razor except it rips your hair out from the roots, leaving nice smooth skin, and apparently lasts much longer than shaving etc. The other bonus is it can be used anywhere on the body (yeah I don’t think so!) Of course the answer is that it was on QVC, the presenters and models all showed how easy and painfree it was to use, it was pink and to cap it all I can buy it, try it, and when it hurts too much – send it back and get my money back.

So the thing arrived and I immediately tried it out. First I did what the booklet and QVC had recommended – I ran it across my hands … amazing, no pain (mind you not much in the way of hair either). So I take the bull by the horns – I start on my lower left leg. It takes a bit of playing around to actually get it taking the hairs, but yet again apart from the odd pinch there is no pain. Soon I am fuzz free (and I was looking like a hobbit). So pleased am I that I gamely attack the right leg. AAAAAAArrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! OMG! It is so painful. I do eventually manage to defuzz that leg too, but I am completely stumped as to why 1 leg hurt and the other didn’t. Finally, I attack the chin hairs, which is also painful (but only for about 2 seconds). I now have a lovely soft face for the first time in my life. Anyway I have decided to keep it. Personally I think it is worth it just for the face hair, but hoping that over time the right leg will get used to it and not be so painful. However, under NO circumstances will I be doing my armpits or any more ‘sensitive’ areas with it!

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